Ada dua prinsip yang harus dipatuhi oleh semua orang dalam bertutur, yaitu prinsip kerja sama dan prinsip kesantunan. Menurut Grice ada empat maksim dalm prinsip kerjasama, yaitu maksim kuantitas, maksim kualitas, maksim relevansi, dan maksim cara. Untuk prinsip kesantunan atau kesantunan berbahasa menurut Robin Lakoff ada tiga kaidah, yaitu kaidah formalitas, kaidah ketidaktegasan, dan kaidah persamaan. Kedua prinsip tersebut akan diteliti dalam tuturan yang terjadi di Warkop dan Cafe di Surabaya. Tujuan penelitian ini adalah: 1. Mendeskripsikan perbandingan prinsip kerjasama yang dilakukan oleh pelayan dan pelanggan di Warkop dan Cafe di Surabaya. 2. Mendeskripsikan perbandingan kesantunan berbahasa yang dilakukan oleh pelayan dan pelanggan di Warkop dan Cafe di Surabaya. Metode yang digunakan dalam penelitian ini, yaitu deskriptif kualitatif, dimana data yang dicari berupa tuturan-tuturan yang terjadi di Warkop dan Cafe, yang kemudian tuturan-tuturan tersebut akan dijelaskan maknanya sesuai dengan prinsip kerjasama dan kesantunan berbahasa. Dari hasil penelitian yang sudah dilakukan, ditemukan empat topik penting, yaitu 1. Realisasi prinsip kerja sama, yaitu berisi tentang tuturan-tuturan yang mengandung maksim kuantitas, maksim kualitas, maksim relevansi, dan maksim cara. 2. Realisasi kesantunan berbahasa, berisi tentang tuturan-tuturan yang mengandung kaidah formalitas, kaidah ketidaktegasan, dan kaidah persamaan. 3. Pelanggaran prinsip kerjasama, yaitu tuturan yang melanggar prinsip kerjasama yang hanya ditemukan pada maksim kuantitas. 4. Pelanggaran kesantunan berbahasa, yaitu berisi tentang tuturan-tuturan yang telah melanggar kaidah formalitas, kaidah ketidaktegasan, dan kaidah persamaan.
Kata kunci: tuturan, prinsip kerja sama, kesantunan berbahasa.
Two principles must be obeyed by everyone in speaking, namely the principle of cooperation and the principle of politeness. According to Grice, there are four maxims in the principle of cooperation, namely the maxim of quantity, the maxim of quality, the maxim of relevance, and the maxim of manner. According to Robin Lakoff, there are three rules for the principle of politeness or politeness in language, namely the rules of formality, the rules of indecision, and the rules of equality. These two principles will be examined in the utterances that occurred at Warkops and Cafes in Surabaya. This study aims 1. To describe the comparison of the principle of cooperation between waiters and customers at Warkops and Cafes in Surabaya. 2. To describe the comparison of politeness in language performed by both waiters and customers at Warkops and Cafes in Surabaya. The method used in this study is descriptive-qualitative, where the data sought is in the form of utterances that occurred in Warkop and Cafe, which then their meanings will be explained by the principles of cooperation and politeness in language. From the results of the research, there were four important topics, namely 1. Realization of the principle of cooperation, which contained utterances containing maxims of quantity, maxims of quality, maxims of relevance, and maxims of manner. 2. Realization of politeness in language, which contained utterances containing rules of formality, rules of indecision, and rules of equality. 3. Violation of the principle of cooperation, namely speech that violated the principle of cooperation which is only found in the maxim of quantity. 4. Violation of language politeness, which contained utterances that have violated the rules of formality, the rules of indecision, and the rules of equality.
Keywords: speech, cooperative principle, language politeness.