Nama : Rida Rahmaningtyas
NIM : 16040263015
Program Studi : DIII Administrasi Negara
Fakultas : Adminitrasi Publik
Nama Lembaga : Fakultas Ilmu Sosial dan Hukum
Dosen Pembimbing : Yuni Lestari, S AP.,M.AP.
Public service is an activity carried out to meet human needs. Public services are a benchmark for government performance, both at the central and regional levels. Quality public services in the local government sector is key to the success of regional autonomy. Public service is said to be quality what if the service can meet the wishes and expectations of the community or recipient of the service . The quality of public services can be measured by the satisfaction of service recipients. The service recipient is satisfied when the service provided is in accordance with the expected recipient of the service. The purpose of this study is to describe the Quality of Public Services in the Regional Financial and Asset Management Revenue Agency, Kab. Gresik ( Study of Services for Fund Disbursement Warrants in the Treasury).
The research approach used is the approach descriptive with qualitative methods. F Okus research used, is the quality of public services Revenue Agency Financial Management and Regional Asset District. Gresik (Study of Services for Fund Disbursement Warrants in the Treasury Sector) measured from five dimensions of the quality of public services Zeithaml et al (in Hardiyansyah 2018: 63), namely: (1) tangib el (tangible) , (2) reliability (reliability) , (3) responsiviness (responsiveness) , (4) assurances of e (collateral) and (5) empathy (empathy) . The data analysis techniques used in this study are four stages, namely data collection, reduction data, display data (presentation of data), as well as conclusions / verifications.
The conclusions of this study are for dimensions (1) tangible for indicators of officer appearance is quite good because the appearance of officers using polite clothes, the comfort indicator of the place needs to be repaired again for the SP2D consultation place but for the service counter receiving the service is quite comfortable, the indicator of convenience in the service process is good enough but better for innovation using online SP2D services , ease of customer access in service meetings is strategic because it is in the middle of the city and transportation access is easy to find, then the last indicator is that users of assistive devices in the service are quite complete. (2) realibility for indicators of accuracy of officers in serving employees is sufficiently careful because there has never been a problem in printing SP2D, indicators have clear service standards SP2D services in the Treasury Field Regional Financial and Asset Management Revenue Agency, Kab. Gresik already has an SOP (Service Operational Standard) as a guideline in carrying out the service process, and the last indicator is the ability of officers to carry out the service process is quite good because officers carry out the use of Microsoft Word, Microsoft Excel and in document printing. (3) Responsiviness for indicators responding to each customer who wants to get enough service, both officers of each service recipient who want to do service, officers perform service quickly, the service counter staff has done service quickly in taking SP2D retrieval services, and finally the officer indicator performs the service appropriately when the treasury officer has performed service in a timely manner and has never exceeded the time limit specified. ( 4) Assurance for assurance of cost assurance indicators that SP2D services are not paid for and for legality assurance indicators that SP2D services are accounted for by regional governments. (5) Emphaty for the indicator to prioritize the interests of the applicant that the SP2D service officer is still not maximal in prioritizing the interests of the applicant because the officer takes a break before the break, an indicator of friendly, polite and polite attitude that the service counter of SP2D has served service recipients kindly, politely and polite, then for indicators the officers serve with non-discrimination that officers serve without distinguishing social status and in the order. Suggestions that can be given to the Field of Vocational Education in the Regional Financial and Asset Management Revenue Agency, Kab. Gresik The need to provide a special room for consultation with the regional expenditure head of the sub-division so that the head of the sub-division itself and service recipients who wish to carry out consultations feel comfortable, need to provide more waiting rooms with seats in the consultation, improve the performance of service recipients rather than their own interests. , so that service recipients are not disappointed with the services received.
Keywords: Public Service, Service Quality Publi k, SP2D Gresik.