The aluminum recycling industry is one of the emerging industries in
Indonesia. The large amount of aluminum waste in Indonesia has triggered the
emergence of the aluminum recycling industry in Sumobito District, which has
110 industries, and the research site, which has 54 industries, including
large, medium, and small industries. Aluminum recycling activities are
conventional, so the management of production waste has not been maximized.
Complaints about the quality of shallow groundwater felt by local residents
include turbidity, discoloration, smell, itching, and sometimes a bad smell,
leading residents to suspect that shallow groundwater is polluted by the solid
waste of the aluminum recycling industry. The purpose of this study is to
determine the quality of shallow groundwater and analyze the distribution of
physical parameter content, including TDS, and chemical parameters, including
pH, COD, Al, and Cu
This research is a type of survey research. Shallow well water sampling
technique using Stratified Area Sampling. The study population is the entire
shallow well in Kedungsari Hamlet. The study sample consisted of 10 samples of
shallow well water, which were determined using a systematic grid. Technical
data analysis employs descriptive and descriptive quantitative methods in
accordance with Republic of Indonesia Government Regulation No. 82 of 2001.
The results of this study showed that the TDS content in groundwater
that met the quality standard (500 mg/LL) was in samples 5, 6, and 10. COD
parameters that exceeded the quality standard (10.13 mg/L) were in sample 8.
The result of the pH value is neutral. The distribution of Al content is still
below the water quality standard, namely 0.06 mg/L, and the Cu quality standard
(0.02), each showing that the entire sample meets the water quality standard.
The COD value in sample 8 exceeds the quality standard, and the high TDS value
in the sample area shows that the landfilled waste has a substance content that
varies from sample area to sample area.
Keywords: Water Quality, Shallow Ground water, Recycled
Aluminium waste.