Latar belakang penelitian ini berfokus pada kondisi fisik tim futsal Pelindo FC Jakarta pada musim 2022-2023 yang belum optimal. Penelitin ini bertujuan untuk mendapatkan gambaran mengenai profil kondisi fisik pemain futsal klub Pelindo FC dalam aspek kecepatan (speed), kekuatan tungkai, kelincahan (agility), daya tahan (endurance), dan kelentukan (flexibility). Penelitian menggunakan seluruh pemain futsal klub Pelindo FC yang totalnya 16 orang sebagai sampel pada penelitian ini dengan data diambil melalui tes sampel. Statistik deskriptif kuantitatif dengan persentase digunakan oleh peneliti sebagai teknik analisis data. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa untuk aspek kecepatan, kriteria sangat kurang, kurang, cukup, baik, dan sangat baik memiliki persentase berturut-turut 6%, 13%, 19%, 44%, dan 19%. Untuk aspek kekuatan tungkai, kriteria sangat kurang, kurang, cukup, baik, dan sangat baik memiliki persentase berturut-turut 6%, 19%, 50%, 19%, dan 6%. Untuk aspek kelincahan, kriteria sangat kurang, kurang, cukup, baik, dan sangat baik memiliki persentase berturut-turut 6%, 31%, 38%, 6%, dan 19%. Untuk aspek daya tahan, kriteria sangat kurang, kurang, cukup, baik, dan sangat baik memiliki persentase berturut-turut 0%, 44%, 25%, 25%, dan 6%. Untuk aspek kelentukan, kriteria sangat kurang, kurang, cukup, baik, dan sangat baik memiliki persentase berturut-turut 6%, 31%, 38%, 19%, dan 6%. Simpulan dari penelitian ini adalah pemain futsal klub Pelindo FC musim 2022-2023 secara rata-rata berada pada level yang baik dan cukup untuk aspek kecepatan, kekuatan tungkai, kelincahan, daya tahan, dan kelentukan..
Kata kunci : Profil, Kondisi, Fisik, Futsal.
The background to this research focuses on physical condition of the Pelindo FC Jakarta club for the 2022-2023 season is less than optimal level. This research is to provide an overview of the physical condition profiile of the Pelindo FC Futsal pleyers in the acpect speed, leg power, agility, endurance and flexibility. The study used all 16 players of the Pelindo FC Futsal Club as the sample, with data colleted through sample testing. Descriptive quantitative statistic with percentages were used by the researcher as the data analiysis technique. The result of the research show that for the speed aspect, the percentage of players in the very poor, poor, fair, good, and very good categories werw 6%, 13%, 19%, 44%, 19%, respectively. For the leg strenght aspect, the percentages of players in the very poor, poor, fair, good, and very good categories were 6%, 19%, 50%, 19%, and 6% respectively. For the algility aspect, the percentages of the players in the very poor, poor, fair, good, very good categories were 6%, 31%, 38%, 6%, and 19% respectively. For the endurance aspect, the percentages of players in the very poor, poor, fair, good, and very good categories were 0%, 44%, 25%, 25%, and 6%, respectively. For the flebility aspect, the percentages were 6%, 31%, 19%, 6%, respectively. The conclusion of this research is that the Pelindo FC Futsal players for the 2022-2023 season are, on average, at a good and fair level in terms of spped, leg streght, agility, endurance, and flexibility.
Keywords: Profile, Condition, Physical, Futsal.