Wayang topeng Jatiduwur termasuk kesenian khusus yang ada di daerah Jombang. Kesenian wayang topeng Jatiduwur ini telah mengalami masa kesulitan dan masa kejayaannya karena beberapa hal. Maka dari itu, diperlukan cara pelestarian, cara pengembangan, serta cara-cara yang bisa menjadikan seni tersebut lebih baik lagi, khususnya pada lakon yang digunakan. Seni pertunjukkan tersebut menunjukkan struktur yang terdiri dari tema, tokoh dan penokohan, alur, setting, serta dialog yang disebut struktur lakon. Struktur lakon ini sangat penting dalam pertunjukkan, karena kedudukan struktur lakon yaitu sebagai inti cerita atau lakon yang disajikan dalam seni pertunjukkan wayang topeng Jatiduwur. Berdasarkan latar belakang penelitian tersebut, terdapat rumusan masalah yaitu: (1) Bagaimana asal-usul wayang topeng Jatiduwur di Kabupaten Jombang?, (2) Bagaimana struktur pertunjukkan wayang topeng Jatiduwur di Kabupaten Jombang?, (3) Bagaimana perlengkapan dan alat serta maknanya dalam wayang topeng Jatiduwur di Kabupaten Jombang?, (4) Bagaimana struktur lakon dan iringan Patah Kuda Narawangsa dalam wayang topeng Jatiduwur di Kabupaten Jombang?, dan (5) Bagaimana cara melestarikan wayang topeng Jatiduwur di Kabupaten Jombang?. Oleh karena itu, tujuan penelitian ini adalah untuk mengetahui apa yang menjadi rumusan masalah penelitian tersebut. Penelitian ini menggunakan metode deskriptif kualitatif, yang sumber datanya terdiri dari sumber data primer seperti wawancara, observasi, dokumentasi, serta sumber data sekunder seperti dokumen khusus, jurnal, dan artikel. Sementara teknik yang digunakan untuk mengumpulkan data yaitu wawancara, observasi, dokumentasi, serta dokumen-dokumen. Teori yang digunakan dalam penelitian ini yaitu teori folklor yang akan dijelaskan menggunakan teori dari James Danandjaja.
Berdasarkan penjelasan tersebut, hasil penelitian ini terbagi menjadi enam bagian, yaitu: (1) Gambaran Umum Desa Jatiduwur, Kecamatan Kesamben, Kabupaten Jombang, yang berisi tentang bagaimana keadaan alam desa Jatiduwur, mata pencaharian masyarakat Jatiduwur, pendidikan masyarakat Jatiduwur, agama masyarakat Jatiduwur, juga sarana dan prasarana masarakat Jatiduwur, (2) Asal-Usul Wayang Topeng Jatiduwur, yang berisi mengenai asal-usul desa Jatiduwur dari beberapa jenis: asal-usul desa Jatiduwur dari sebutan Cangakbuwur, asal-usul desa Jatiduwur zaman Majapahit, dan rekonstruksi asal-usul desa Jatiduwur. Selain asal-usul desa Jatiduwur, ada pun asal-usul WTJ (Wayang Topeng Jatiduwur) dari beberapa jenis juga, yaitu: asal-usul WTJ zaman runtuhnya Keraton Singasari, asal-usul WTJ zaman Keraton Majapahit, asal-usul WTJ dari Gresik, dan rekonstruksi asal-usul WTJ. Untuk mendukung penjelasan, terdapat asal-usul Sanggar Tri Purwo Budoyo serta silsilah keluarga keturunan dan pewaris WTJ, (3) Struktur Pertunjukkan dalam Wayang Topeng Jatiduwur, yang berisi mengenai jenis dan proses pelaksanaan nadzar WTJ, proses pelaksanaan pertunjukkan WTJ, juga daftar pementasan pertunjukan WTJ (4) Perlengkapan dan Alat serta Makna dalam Wayang Topeng Jatiduwur, yang terbagi menjadi dua bagian. Bagian perlengkapan terdiri dari: cok bakal, sesajen, sandhingan, among-among, kupat luwar, dan dedhaharan. Sedangkan alat yaitu berasal dari: topeng, busana tokoh utama WTJ, alat pendukung lakon, serta alat pendukung pertunjukan, (5) Struktur Lakon dan Iringan Patah Kuda Narawangsa (PKN) dalam Wayang Topeng Jatiduwur, yang berisi lakon dan jenis lakon WTJ, alur crita PKN, latar dan setting lakon PKN, tokoh dan penokohan lakon PKN, pesan moral lakon PKN, sastra pedalangan lakon PKN, dan iringan lakon PKN, serta (6) Cara melestarikan Wayang Topeng Jatiduwur, yang menggunakan konsep dari Carl Wilhelm von Sydow, yang terbagi menjadi dua bagian, yaitu: pelaku budaya aktif (dalang, sutradara dan tokoh penari/wayang, penata iringan dan penabuh, serta pesinden), juga pelaku budaya pasif (pemerintah dinas kebudayaan dan pariwisata, pemerhati budaya dan sejarawan Jombang, tenaga pendidik, akademisi, lan peneliti, masyarakat (pemuda-pemudi dan dewasa, sesepuh, pemuka agama), serta orang turis.
Kata Kunci: Wayang Topeng Jatiduwur, Kesenian, Struktur Lakon, Folklor
Jatiduwur mask puppetry is a special art in the Jombang area. The Jatiduwur mask puppet art has experienced times of difficulty and glory for several reasons. Therefore, there is a need for preservation methods, development methods, and methods that can make the art even better, especially in the plays used. This performing art shows a structure consisting of theme, characters and characterization, plot, setting and dialogue which is called play structure. The structure of the play is very important in the performance, because the position of the play structure is as the core of the story or play presented in the Jatiduwur masked puppet performance art. Based on the research background, there is a problem formulation, namely: (1) What is the origin of the Jatiduwur masked puppet show in Jombang Regency?, (2) What is the structure of the Jatiduwur masked puppet show in Jombang Regency?, (3) What are the equipment and tools and their meaning in Jatiduwur masked puppets in Jombang Regency?, (4) What is the structure of the play and the accompaniment of Patah Kuda Narawangsa in Jatiduwur masked puppets in Jombang Regency?, and (5) How to preserve Jatiduwur masked puppets in Jombang Regency?. Therefore, the aim of this research is to find out what is the formulation of the research problem. This research uses a qualitative descriptive method, the data sources consist of primary data sources such as interviews, observations, documentation, as well as secondary data sources such as special documents, journals and articles. Meanwhile, the techniques used to collect data are interviews, observation, documentation and documents. The theory used in this research is folklore theory which will be explained using the theory of James Danandjaja.
Based on this explanation, the results of this research are divided into six parts, namely: (1) General description of Jatiduwur Village, Kesamben District, Jombang Regency, which contains the natural conditions of Jatiduwur village, the livelihood of the Jatiduwur community, education of the Jatiduwur community, religion of the Jatiduwur community, also the facilities and infrastructure of the Jatiduwur community, (2) The Origins of Jatiduwur Mask Puppet, which contains the origins of Jatiduwur village from several types: the origins of Jatiduwur village from the name Cangakbuwur, the origins of Jatiduwur village during the Majapahit era, and reconstruction of the origins of Jatiduwur. suggested Jatiduwur village. Apart from the origins of Jatiduwur village, there are also origins of WTJ (Jatiduwur Mask Puppet) of several types as well, namely: origins of WTJ during the collapse of the Singasari Palace, origins of WTJ during the Majapahit Palace, origins of WTJ from Gresik, and reconstruction of the origins of the WTJ. To support the explanation, there are the origins of Sanggar Tri Purwo Budoyo as well as the family tree of WTJ descendants and heirs, (3) Performance structure in Jatiduwur Mask Puppet, which contains the types and process of carrying out WTJ nadzar, the process of carrying out WTJ performances, as well as a list of WTJ performances. (4) Equipment and tools as well as meaning in Jatiduwur Mask Puppetry, which is divided into two parts. The equipment section consists of: cok bakal, sesajen, sandhingan, among-among, kupat luwar, and dedhaharan. Meanwhile, the tools come from: masks, clothing for the main characters of WTJ, supporting tools for the play, as well as supporting tools for the performance, (5) Play structure and accompaniment for Patah Kuda Narawangsa (PKN) in Jatiduwur Mask Puppet, which contains the play and types of WTJ plays, story line PKN, the background and setting of the PKN play, the characters and characterizations of the PKN play, the moral message of the PKN play, the puppetry literature of the PKN play, and the accompaniment of the PKN play, as well as (6) How to preserve the Jatiduwur Mask Puppet, which uses the concept of Carl Wilhelm von Sydow, which is divided into into two parts, namely: active cultural actors (puppeteers, directors and dancers/wayang figures, accompanists and musicians, as well as singers), as well as passive cultural actors (government cultural and tourism services, Jombang cultural observers and historians, teaching staff, academics, and researchers, the community (youth and adults, elders, religious leaders), and tourists.
Keywords: Jatiduwur Masked Puppets, Art, Structure of the Play, Folklore