Perubahan Konsepsi Mahasiswa pada Empat Konsep Kimia dalam Implementasi Conceptual Change Model Enriched with Three Scientific Questions
Conceptual Change of Student on Fourth Chemistry Concepts in the Implementation of Conceptual Change Model Enriched with Three Scientific Questions
Permatasari, R, E. 2022. Perubahan Konsepsi Mahasiswa pada Empat Konsep Kimia dalam Implementasi Conceptual Change Model Enriched with Three Scientific Questions (CCM-EWTSQ). Disertasi, Program Studi S3 Pendidikan Sains, Pascasarjana Universitas Negeri Surabaya. Promotor: (I) Prof. Dr. Suyono, M.Pd. dan (II) Prof. Dr. Leny Yuanita, M.Kes.
Kata kunci: Miskonsepsi, CCM-EWTSQ, CCMo, Akomodasi
Tujuan penelitian disertasi, diperoleh hasil analisis proses dan hasil perubahan konsepsi mahasiswa pada empat konsep kimia dalam implementasi conceptual change model encriched with three scientific questions (CCM-EWTSQ). Tahapan CCM-EWTSQ adalah verifikasi miskonsepsi, penciptaan kondisi konflik kognitif, pemberian bantuan untuk terjadinya ekuilibrasi, dan rekonstruksi pemahaman akhir. Penelitian dilaksanakan dengan metode gabungan (mixed methods) yang membenamkan penelitian kuajntitatif ke dalam penelitian kualitatif. Subyek penelitian adalah 19 mahasiswa Prodi Pendidikam Kimia, yang terdiri atas tujuh mahasiswa uji pada konsep ikatan ionik, enam mahasiswa pada konsep orde reaksi, empat mahasiswa pada konsep indikator asam basa, dan dua mahasiswa pada konsep asam Arrhenius. Data yang diperoleh dianalisis secara deskriptif kualitatif. Hasil penelitian ini adalah seperti berikut ini. Berdasar hasil dua kali verifikasi miskonsepsi ditemukan mahasiswa miskonsepsi pada konsep-konsep kimia, yaitu konsep ikatan ionik (7 orang), konsep orde reaksi (6 orang), konsep indikator asam basa (4 orang), dan konsep asam Arrhenius (2 orang). Setiap individu (sasaran penelitian) telah mengalami proses perubahan kognisi atau konsepsi dalam setiap tahapan CCM-EWTSQ dan kemiripan proses terjadi pada empat konsep yang dipelajari mahasiswa. Peta jalan perubahan konsepsi dari tahap ke tahap CCM-EWTSQ yang dialami setiap individu tidak dapat dipersamakan. Implementasi CCM-EWTSQ berhasil menurunkan beban miskonsepsi mahasiswa calon guru kimia yang terverifikasi miskonsepsi. Tidak semua indisvidu yang terverifikasi miskonsepsi pada awalnya kemudian berubah menjadi tahu konsep setelah berproses dengan CCM-EWTSQ. Implementasi CCM-EWTSQ mendapat respon baik dari para mahasiswa sasaran penelitian.
Permatasari, R, E. 2022. Conceptual Change of Student on Fourth Chemistry Concepts in the Implementation of Conceptual Change Model Enriched with Three Scientific Questions. Disertation, Science Education Doctoral Program, Postgraduate Program, Universitas Negeri Surabaya. Promotor: (I) Prof. Dr. Suyono, M.Pd., (II) Prof. Dr. Leny Yuanita, M.Kes.
Kata kunci: Misconception, CCM-EWTSQ, CCMo, Accomodation
The aims of this research is to obtain the results of the analysis process and changes in students' conceptions of four chemical concepts from the implementation of the conceptual change model enriched with three scientific questions (CCM-EWTSQ). The stages of CCM-EWTSQ are verification of misconceptions, creation of cognitive conflict conditions, providing assistance for equilibration, and reconstruction of final understanding. The research is using mixed methods which immersed quantitative research into qualitative research. The research subjects were 19 students of the Chemistry Education Study Program, which consisted of seven test students on the concept of ionic bonding, six students on the concept of reaction order, four students on the concept of acid-base indicators, and two students on the concept of Arrhenius acid. The data obtained were analyzed descriptively qualitatively. The results of this study are as follows. Based on the results of two misconceptions verification, students found misconceptions about chemical concepts, namely the concept of ionic bonds (7 students), the concept of reaction order (6 students), the concept of acid-base indicators (4 students), and the concept of Arrhenius acid (2 students). Each individual (research target) has undergone a process of changing cognition or conception in each stage of the CCM-EWTSQ and similar processes occur in the four concepts that students learn. The roadmap of changes in conception from stage to stage of CCM-EWTSQ experienced by each individual cannot be equated. The implementation of CCM-EWTSQ has succeeded in reducing the misconception of prospective chemistry teacher students who have verified misconceptions. Not all individuals who were verified had misconceptions at first and then turned into concept-aware after proceeding with CCM-EWTSQ. The implementation of the CCM-EWTSQ received a good response from the research target students.