Prototype Sistem Pencegahan Kebakaran pada
Medium Voltage Cubicle berbasis IoT
Kebakaran listrik, terutama pada medium voltage cubicle
(MVC), sering terjadi akibat korsleting dan kenaikan suhu yang
tidak terdeteksi. Sistem pencegahan kebakaran berbasis Internet of
Things (IoT) menjadi solusi untuk memantau parameter seperti
suhu dan arus guna mencegah potensi kebakaran. Dalam
penelitian ini, dirancang prototipe sistem berbasis ESP32 yang
terintegrasi dengan sensor DHT22 dan ACS712 untuk deteksi real-
time. Tujuan penelitian ini adalah merancang sistem yang dapat
memberikan peringatan dini melalui indikator LED, buzzer, dan
monitoring data berbasis platform Node-RED, InfluxDB, serta
akses online dengan Ngrok. Sistem ini diharapkan mampu
mendeteksi anomali suhu dan arus, serta mencatat data historis
untuk analisis lebih lanjut. Hasil pengujian menunjukkan sistem
memiliki akurasi dengan rata-rata selisih pembacaan 1,7 pada
sensor suhu dan 0,52 pada sensor arus. Dengan demikian, sistem
ini efektif untuk mendukung langkah preventif pada pencegahan
kebakaran di instalasi medium voltage cubicle berbasis IoT.
Electrical fires, especially in medium voltage cubicles (MVC),
often occur due to short circuits and undetected temperature rises.
Internet of Things (IoT)-based fire prevention systems have
become a solution for monitoring parameters such as temperature
and current to prevent potential fires. In this research, a prototype
system based on ESP32 integrated with DHT22 and ACS712
sensors for real-time detection was designed. The objective of this
research is to design a system that can provide early warnings
through LED indicators, buzzers, and data monitoring based on
the Node-RED, InfluxDB platforms, as well as online access with
Ngrok. This system is expected to be able to detect temperature
and current anomalies, as well as record historical data for further
analysis. The test results show that the system has an accuracy with
an average reading difference of 1.7 on the temperature sensor and
0.52 on the current sensor. Thus, this system is effective in
supporting preventive measures for fire prevention in IoT-based.