Pengaruh Model Pembelajaran Earthcomm Terhadap Kemampuan Berpikir Spasial, Kritis, dan Kreatif Peserta Didik Kelas X di MAS Al-Mas’udy Mojokerto
The Effect of Earthcomm Learning Model on the Spatial, Critical, and Creative Thinking Abilities of 10th Grade Students at MAS Al-Mas'udy Mojokerto
Jazuli, Moh. 2023. Pengaruh Model Pembelajaran Earthcomm Terhadap Kemampuan Berpikir Spasial, Kritis, dan Kreatif Peserta Didik Kelas X di MAS Al-Mas’udy Mojokerto. Tesis, Program Studi Teknologi Pendidikan, Fakultas Ilmu Pendidikan, Universitas Negeri Surabaya. Pembimbing: (I) Prof. Dr. Rusijono, M.Pd. dan (II) Dr. Bachtiar S. Bachri, M.Pd.
Kata Kunci: Model Pembelajaran Earthcomm, Kemampuan Berpikir Spasial, Kemampuan Berpikir Kritis, Kemampuan Berpikir Kreatif.
Penelitian ini bertujuan mengetahui pengaruh model pembelajaran earthcomm terhadap kemampuan berpikir peserta didik yang meliputi (1) kemampuan berpikir spasial, (2) kemampuan berpikir kritis, (3) kemampuan berpikir kreatif peserta didik pada mata pelajaran Geografi kelas X di MAS Al-Mas’udy Mojokerto.
Penelitian ini berpendekatan kuantitatif dengan menggunakan metode eksperimen quasi dengan bentuk desain Nonequivalent Control Group. Kelompok eksperimen dan kontrol berjumlah masing-masing 30 peserta didik. Kelompok eksperimen menggunakan model pembelajaran earthcomm dan kelompok kontrol menggunakan model pembelajaran langsung. Data dikumpulkan dengan menggunakan tes prestasi dan angket. Analisis data instrumen tes menggunakan uji reliabilitas metode penyajian tunggal dan uji validitas konstruk. Teknik analisis data menggunakan uji normalitas, homogenitas, dan hipotesis. Penelitian ini menggunakan uji t untuk menguji perbedaan kemampuan awal dan uji t berpasangan untuk menguji hipotesis.
Hasil penelitian melalui uji t menunjukkan tidak ada perbedaan kemampuan awal antara kelompok eksperimen dengan kontrol. Sejalan dengan tujuan penelitian, hasil penelitian melalui uji t berpasangan menunjukkan bahwa model pembelajaran earthcomm berpengaruh terhadap (1) kemampuan berpikir spasial (2) kemampuan berpikir kritis, (3) kemampuan berpikir kreatif peserta didik pada mata pelajaran Geografi kelas X dibanding dengan model pembelajaran langsung. Disimpulkan bahwa penerapan model pembelajaran earthcomm berpengaruh terhadap kemampuan berpikir spasial, kritis, dan kreatif peserta didik kelas X di MAS Al-Mas’udy Mojokerto.
Jazuli, Moh. 2023. The Effect of Earthcomm Learning Model on the Spatial, Critical, and Creative Thinking Abilities of 10th Grade Students at MAS Al-Mas'udy Mojokerto. Thesis, Department of Educational Technology, Faculty of Education, Surabaya State University. Supervisors: (I) Prof. Dr. Rusijono, M.Pd. and (II) Dr. Bachtiar S. Bachri, M.Pd.
Keywords: Earthcomm Learning Model, Spatial Thinking Ability, Critical Thinking Ability, Creative Thinking Ability.
This research aims to determine the effect of the Earthcomm learning model on students thinking abilities, which include (1) spatial thinking ability, (2) critical thinking ability, and (3) creative thinking ability of 10th-grade students in Geography subject at MAS Al-Mas'udy Mojokerto.
This research adopts a quantitative approach using a quasi-experimental design with a Nonequivalent Control Group design. The experimental and control groups consist of 30 students each. The experimental group employs the Earthcomm learning model, while the control group employs the direct instruction learning model. Data is collected through achievement tests and questionnaires. The data from the test instrument is analyzed using the reliability test with a single presentation method and the construct validity test. Data analysis techniques involve normality, homogeneity, and hypothesis tests. The research utilizes the t-test to examine the initial differences in abilities and paired t-test to test the hypotheses.
The results of the t-test indicate no significant difference in initial abilities between the experimental and control groups. Consistent with the research objectives, the results of the paired t-test show that the Earthcomm learning model has an effect on (1) spatial thinking ability, (2) critical thinking ability, and (3) creative thinking ability of 10th-grade students in the Geography subject compared to the direct instruction learning model. It can be concluded that the implementation of the Earthcomm learning model has an impact on the spatial, critical, and creative thinking abilities of 10th-grade students at MAS Al-Mas'udy Mojokerto.