Peran Humas Dalam Upaya Meningkatkan Minat Pendaftaran Peserta Didik Baru
The Role of Public Relations In An Effort To Increase Interest In New Student Registrations
Hubungan masyarakat adalah usaha menumbuhkan partisipasi publik sehingga dapat menambah tingkat kepercayaan publik bagi individu ataupun lembaga. Humas dalam suatu lembaga pendidikan adalah segala proses pengelolaan hubungan lembaga dengan masyarakat sebagai upaya menunjang proses pembelajaran di lembaga penyelenggara pendidikan sehingga dapat meningkatkan mutu layanan pendidikan. Fungsi humas dalam pendidikan diharapkan mampu menjadi komunikator dan mediator ntuk anggota dalam sebuah organisasi atau lembaga maupun untukmasyarakat yang luas, Humas juga dapat menampung aspirasi masyarakat terkait segala kegiatan yangdilakukan oleh suatu organisasi sehingga humas dapat meningkatkan citra yang baik dimasyarakat. Penulisan artikel bertujuan untuk mendeskripsikan peran humas dalam meningkatkan minat pendaftaran peserta didik baru. Artikel ini ditulis menggunakan metode studi litelatur terhadap 20 jurnal (internasional dan nasional) serta dari pustaka lainnya. Dari beberapa jurnal tersebut maka dapat diketahui bahwasanya peran humas memiliki tujuan untuk menumbuh kembangkan persepsi yang berimbas pada citra yang positif bagi lembaga penyelenggara pendidikan di mata masyarakat.Kata Kunci: Humas, minat, peserta didik, pendaftaran peserta didik.
Public relations is an effort to foster public participation so as to increase the level of public trust for individuals or institutions. Public Relations in an educational institution is all the processes of managing the relationship between institutions and the community as an effort to support the learning process in educational institutions so that it can improve the quality of education services. The function of public relations in education is expected to be a communicator and mediator for members in an organization or institution or for the wider community , Public Relations can also accommodate the aspirations of the community related to all activities carried out by an organization so that public relations can improve a good image in the community. Writing the article aims to describe the role of public relations in increasing interest in registering new students. This article was written using the method of studying literature from 20 journals (international and national) as well as from other literature. From these journals, it can be seen that the role of public relations has the aim to foster perceptions which impact on a positive image for educational institutions in the eyes of the public.Keywords: Public Relations, interests, students, student registration.
Public relations is an effort to foster public participation so as to increase the level of public trust for individuals or institutions. Public Relations in an educational institution is all the processes of managing the relationship between institutions and the community as an effort to support the learning process in educational institutions so that it can improve the quality of education services. The function of public relations in education is expected to be a communicator and mediator for members in an organization or institution or for the wider community , Public Relations can also accommodate the aspirations of the community related to all activities carried out by an organization so that public relations can improve a good image in the community. Writing the article aims to describe the role of public relations in increasing interest in registering new students. This article was written using the method of studying literature from 20 journals (international and national) as well as from other literature. From these journals, it can be seen that the role of public relations has the aim to foster perceptions which impact on a positive image for educational institutions in the eyes of the public.
Keywords: Public Relations, interests, students, student registration.