Nilai Kehidupan Dalam Novel Manusia Dan Badainya Karya Syahid Muhammad (Kajian Sosiologi Sastra)
The Value Of Life In The Novel Human And The Storm By Syahid Muhammad (Study Of Sociology Of Literature)
Penelitian ini dilatarbelakangi oleh fenomena permasalahan hubungan nilai kehidupan yang terdapat dalam novel Manusia dan Badainya karya Syahid Muhammad. Peneliti memfokuskan penelitian bertujuan untuk menemukan rincian nilai kehidupan dalam novel novel Manusia dan Badainya karya Syahid Muhammad menggunakan kajian Sosiologi sastra dengan konsep nilai kehidupan menurut Supratno yakni nilai pendidikan, nilai religius, nilai kepemimpinan, nilai kepahlawanan, nilai keberanian, nilai kesederhanaan, nilai gotong royong, nilai moral, dan nilai berkorban. Jenis penelitian ini yakni penelitian kualitatif. Dengan teknik analisis deskriptif dan analisis isi. Hasil penelitian ini mengungkapkan bahwa novel Manusia dan Badainya karya Syahid Muhammad termasuk dalam karya sastra yang mengandung nilai sosial, individu dan religi di dalamnya yakni, (1) nilai pendidikan dalam novel tersebut meliputi kelebihan yang dimiliki tokoh (2) nilai religius dalam novel tersebut meliputi nilai dalam agama islam (3) nilai kepemimpinan dalam novel ditunjukkan oleh perilaku tokoh yang memiliki sifat pekerja keras (4) nilai kepahlawanan dalam novel tersebut digambarkan oleh perilaku tokoh yang mencoba memotivasi agar dapat menjalani kehidupan yang lebih baik (5) nilai keberanian dalam novel tersebut ditunjukan dari perilaku tokoh yang tidak menghindar dari masalah yang sedang dihadapi (6) nilai kesederhanaan dalam novel tersebut meliputi perilaku tokoh yang memiliki kehidupan sederhana walaupun memiliki kekayaan (7) nilai gotong royong dalam novel tersebut meliputi perilaku tokoh yang selalu meringankan beban dengan membagi tugas (8) nilai moral dalam novel meliputi perilaku tokoh yang penuh dengan nasihat kehidupan (9) nilai berkorban dalam novel meliputi perilaku tokoh yang selalu ingin menolong seseorang menyelesaikan permasalahan.
Kata kunci: Nilai Kehidupan, Novel, Sastra, Sosiologi
This This research is motivated by the phenomenon of the problem of the relationship between the values of life contained in the novel Human and Storm by Syahid Muhammad. The researcher focused the research aiming to find details on the values of life in the novel Human and Storm by Syahid Muhammad using the study of literary sociology with the concept of life values according to Supratno namely educational values, religious values, leadership values, heroism values, courage values, simplicity values, mutual cooperation values , moral values, and the value of sacrifice. This type of research is qualitative research. With descriptive analysis techniques and content analysis. The results of this study reveal that Syahid Muhammad's novel Human and Storm is included in literary works that contain social, individual and religious values in it, namely, (1) the value of education in the novel includes the advantages possessed by the characters (2) the religious value in the novel includes values in the Islamic religion (3) the value of leadership in the novel is shown by the behavior of characters who have hardworking characteristics (4) the value of heroism in the novel illustrated by the behavior of the characters who try to motivate them to live a better life (5) the value of courage in the novel is shown by the behavior of the characters who do not shy away from the problems they are facing (6) the value of simplicity in the novel includes the behavior of characters who have simple lives even though having wealth (7) the value of mutual cooperation in the novel includes the behavior of characters who always lighten the burden by dividing tasks (8) the moral values in the novel include the behavior of characters full of life advice (9) the value of sacrifice in the novel includes the behavior of characters who always want to help someone solved the problem.
Key word: Value of Life, Novels, Literature, Sociology