ABSTRAKPengaruh Pendekatan VAKT Terhadap Kemampuan Membaca Anak Kesulitan Belajar di SDN Wedi Gedangan SidoarjoNama : Aldila Rendra RovigoNIM : 12010044214Program Studi : S-1Jurusan : Pendidikan Luar Biasa (PLB)Nama Lembaga : Universitas Negeri SurabayaPembimbing : Dr. Hj. Asri Wijiastuti, M.PdMembaca merupakan aspek keterampilan penting yang harus dikuasai oleh anak kesulitan belajar. Anak kesulitan belajar adalah anak yang mengalami hambatan dalam proses belajar. Diperlukan sebuah pendekatan yang dapat menstimulasi belajarnya. Untuk itu perlu digunakan pendekatan (VAKT) dengan menggunakan media video inteaktif dan hewan tiruan. Penelitian ini bertujuan menganalisis ada tidaknya pengaruh pendekatan VAKT terhadap kemampuan anak kesulitan belajar di SDN Wedi Gedangan Sidoarjo. Jenis penelitian adalah pre-eksperimen. Desain penelitian menggunakan: one group pre test and pos test. Metode pengumpulkan data yaitu metode tes dan dokumentasi. Analisis data penelitian yaitu teknik analisis statistik Non Parametrik dengan wilcoxon match pairs test. Hasil dari rata-rata pre-test yang mendapat skor 67,70 menjadi 78,46 ,AM dengan nilai tertinggi dan AF dengan nilai terendah. Hasil ini menunjukkan bahwa “ada pengaruh signifikan dalam pendekatan VAKT terhadap kemampuan membaca anak kesulitan belajar” (zh = 2,20 > Zt = 1,96).Kata kunci: Kemampuan membaca, Pendekatan VAKT, Anak Kesulitan Belajar
ABSTRACTThe influence of VAKT approach toward reading ability to learning difficulty children in SDN Wedi Gedangan SidoarjoName : Aldila Rendra RovigaNIM : 12010044214Study Program : S-1Department : Special EducationInstitution : Surabaya State UniversityCounselor : Dr. Hj. Asri Wijiastuti, M.PdReading was important skill aspect which had to be mastered by the learning difficulty children. The learning difficulty children were those who got hindrance in learning process. They required an approach which could stimulate their learning. Therefore, VAKT approach needed to be applied by using interactive video media and counterfeit animals. This research had purpose to analyze whether there was influence of VAKT approach toward the learning difficulty children’s ability in SDN Wedi Gedangan Sidoarjo or not. The research kind was pre-experimental. The research design used was one group pre test and post test. The methods of data collection were test method and documentation method. The analysis of research data was the analysis technique of statistic non parametric with Wilcoxon match pairs test. The average result of pre-test from those who got score 67,70 became 78,46. AM got the highest score and AF got the lowest score. This result indicated that there was significant influence of VAKT approach toward reading ability of the learning difficulty children (Zh = 2,20 > Zt = 1,96).Keywords: Reading ability, VAKT approach, learning difficulty children