Prayitno, Anton. 2019. POTEN SIFISIK, SPORTIVITAS, DAN KESEHATAN SEBAGAI TUJUAN PENDIDIKAN, JASMANI, OLAHRAGA DAN KESEHATAN SISWA SMA/SMK KECAMATAN BENOWO.Tesis, Program StudiPendidikanOlahraga, Program Pascasarjana, UniversitasNegeri Surabaya. Pembimbing Prof. I Made Sri UndyMahardika, M.Pddan Dr. AmroziKhamidi, M.Pd
Kata-kata kunci: PotensiFisik, Sportivitas, Kesehatan, PendidikanJasmani, OlahragadanKesehatan
Kebugaran merupakan hal yang dibutuhkan oleh setiap individu guna dapat melakukan pekerjaan atau kegiatan sehari-hari. Tanpa memiliki kebugaran yang baik, kemungkinan dapat melakukan pekerjaan dengan optimal sangat kecil. Kebugaran jasmani itu sendiri adalah kemampuan tubuh seseorang untuk melakukan tugas pekerjaan sehari-hari, tanpa menimbulkan kelelahan yang berarti (Nurhasan, 2011 : 12). Dalam setiap pekerjaanpun seseorang memerlukan keterampilan dalam menjalankan kewajibannya. Seorang guru PJOK, harus bisa memberikan peran lebih banyak kepada peserta didik untuk mengembangkan potensi dan kreativitas dirinya dalam rangka membentuk manusia yang memiliki kekuatan spiritual keagamaan, berakhlak mulia, memiliki kecerdasan, memiliki estetika, sehat jasmani dan rohani, serta keterampilan yang dibutuhkan bagi dirinya, masyarakat, bangsa dan negara. Tujuandaripenelitianiniadalahuntukmengetahuidanmengevaluasikondisipotensifisik, sprtivitasdankesehatansiswa SMA/SMK kecamatanBenowo.Sasaranpenelitianiniadalahsiswa yang masihaktifmenjadipeseratadidik di sekolah yang berada di kecamatanBenowo yang diambildengantehnik sampling berjumlah 435 siswa. Metodedalamanalisainimenggunakanmetodestatistikdesikriptifkuantitatif, sedangkanteknikpengumpulan data dilakukandenganmelakukantes yang meliputi: tinggiloncatan, kekuatanototperut, kekatan lengan, kecepatan,dayatahan, disiplindiri, dankesehatan.
Kesimpulan:Kekuatanotot lengan siswa laki-laki SMA/SMK kecamatan benowo dikategorikan kurangdengan rata-rata kemampuan sebesar 30,08, sedangkanuntuksiswaperempuansebesar 22,18. Persentase kriteria power lengan masing-masing atlet yaitu: 0,74% masuk kategori baik, 22,22% masukkategorisedang, 54,81% masukkategorikurang, 22,22% masukkategorikurangsekali. Sedangkanuntuksiswaperempuan 0,38% masukkategorisedang, 47,67% masukkategorikurangdan 51,93 masukkategorikurangsekali. Kekuatan otot perut siswa SMA/SMK kecamatan benowo dikategorikan baik dengan rata-rata kemampuan sit-up sebesar 33,6 untuksiswalaki-laki, dansebesar 22,34 untuksiswaperempuan. Tinggi lompatan siswa SMA/SMK kecamatan benowo dikategorikan kurang dengan rata-rata kemampuan lari sebesar 44,05 untuk siswa laki-laki, dan sebesar 28,25 untuk siswa perempuan.Daya tahan siswa SMA/SMK kecamatan benowo dikategorikan kurang sekali dengan rata-rata kapasitas aerobik (VO2Max) sebesar 26.65ml/kg/mnt untuk laki-laki dan 21.78ml/kg.mnt untuk perempuan.Sportifitas (disiplindiri) siswa SMA/SMK kecamatan benowo dikategorikan sedang dengan rata-rata tingkat kedisiplinan sebesar 44,05 82,37 untuksiswalaki-laki, dansebesar 84,46 untuksiswaperempuan.Kesehatan (IMT) siswa SMA/SMK kecamatan benowo dikategorikan normal dengan rata-rat sebesar 21,04 untuksiswalaki-laki, dansebesar 21,32 untuksiswaperempuan.
Prayitno, Anton. 2019. PHYSICAL, SPORTSMANSHIP AND HEALTH POTENTIAL AS EDUCATIONAL, PHYSICAL, SPORTS AND HEALTH OBJECTIVES OF HIGH SCHOOL / VOCATIONAL SCHOOL STUDENTS IN BENOWO DISTRICT. Thesis, Sports Education Study Program, Postgraduate Program, Surabaya State University. Advisor Prof. I Made Sri Undy Mahardika, M.Pd and Dr. Amrozi Khamidi, M.Pd
Key words: Physical Potential, Sportsmanship, Health, Physical Education, Sports and Health
Fitness is something that is needed by each individual to be able to do work or daily activities. Without having good fitness, the possibility of being able to do optimal work is very small. Physical fitness itself is the ability of a person's body to perform daily work tasks, without causing significant fatigue (Nurhasan, 2011: 12). In any job someone needs skills in carrying out their obligations. A PJOK teacher, must be able to give more roles to students to develop their potential and creativity in order to form humans who have spiritual religious strength, noble character, have intelligence, have aesthetics, physically and mentally healthy, and the skills needed for themselves, society, nation and state.
The purpose of this study was to find out and evaluate the conditions of physical potential, activity and health of high school / vocational students in Benowo sub-district. The target of this study was students who were still active as students in schools in the Benowo sub-district taken with sampling techniques totaling 435 students. The method in this analysis uses descriptive quantitative statistical methods, while the technique of data collection is done by carrying out tests that include: high jump, abdominal muscle strength, arm tightness, speed, endurance, self discipline, and health.
Conclusion: The arm muscle strength of high school / vocational high school students in Benowo sub-district is categorized as less with an average ability of 30.08, while for female students it is 22.18. The percentage criteria for each arm's power are: 0.74% in the good category, 22.22% in the medium category, 54.81% in the less category, 22.22% in the very poor category. Whereas for female students 0.38% in the moderate category, 47.67% in the less category and 51.93 in the less category. Abdominal muscle strength of high school / vocational school students in Benowo sub-district was categorized as good with an average sit-up ability of 33.6 for male students, and 22.34 for female students.
The high jump of high school / vocational school students in Benowo sub-district is categorized as less with the average running ability of 44.05 for male students, and 28.25 for female students. The durability of high school vocational high school students in the Benowo sub-district is categorized at least with the average aerobic capacity VO2Max of 26.65ml /kg min for men and 21.78ml kg.mnt for women. Sportsmanship self discipline of high school / vocational school students in Benowo sub-district is categorized as medium with an average discipline level of 44.05 82.37 for male students, and 84.46 for female students. Health IMT of SMA / SMK students in Benowo sub-district are categorized as normal with an average of 21.04 for male students, and at 21.32 for female students.