Hubungan Work Life Balance Dengan Burnout Pada Karyawan PT. X
The Relationship Between Work Life Balance and Burnout in Employees PT. X
Human resources as the main actor in running the company, so the company must be able to produce human resources who have high productivity and work motivation. This study aims to determine the relationship between Work Life Balance and Employee Burnout at PT. X. It is known that the phenomenon in this study is the level of employee fatigue due to work problems, so this causes employees to be able to divide their time between work and personal life. This study uses a type of quantitative research with research subjects totaling 50 employees. This study used a purposive sampling technique. Data analysis used the Pearson product moment correlation test with the SPSS software tool version 25.0 for windows with the results of the Correlations hypothesis test obtained a correlation value of -0.708 (> 0.05) with a significance of 0.000 (p <0.05), this shows that there is significant negative relationship between burnout and work life balance among employees at PT. X. So that aspects related to burnout such as physical and mental fatigue, attitudes and low self-esteem which are considered negative will not affect the activity or work-life balance of employees.
Keywords: Work Life Balance, Burnout.