Standart Kondisi Fisik Puslatda Jatim 100 Cabang Olahraga Muaythai Pasca Training From Home
Standards for Physical Conditions Puslatda Jatim 100 Muaythai Sports After Training From Home
Muythai pertama kali resmi dipertandingkan di PON XX Papua 2021 selain teknik yang bagus harus juga mempunyai fisik yang bagus. Tujuan dalam penelitian ini untuk mengetahui Standar kondisi fisik atlet puslatda muaythai Jawa Timur. Jenis penelitian ini mengambil kuantitatif dengan metode diskriptif teknik analisis data yang digunakan adalah data sekunder dari tes fisik atlet muaythai Jawa Timur. Subjek penelitan adalah 8 atlet Muaythai Puslatda Jawa Timur tahun 2020. Hasil penelitian Standart Kondisi Fisik Psulatda Jatim 100 Cabang Olahraga Muaythai Pasca Training From Home menunjukkan: sprint20 meter rata-rata 3,08; Sit and Reach rata-rata 25,1; Chin UP rata-rata 60; Sit Up rata-rata 46,8; Kneel Up rata-rata 5; square jump rata-rata 31,3; Hamstring arat-rata 5; 33 RM Clean and Press rata-rata 59,5; Rusian Twist rat-rata 10,00; jugling 3 balls rata-rata 0; Multi Fitnes Test (MFT) rata-rata 11,95. Penelitian ditujukan untuk mengetahui standard kondisi fisik atlit muaythai Jawa Timur yang akan dipersiapkan menghadapi event PON XX di papua tahun 2021. Dari 11 item test dan pengukuran yang dilakukan oleh atlet muaythai Jawa Timur lolos 6 item test yaitu sit and reache, Chin Up,Kneel Up, Square Jump,Hamstring,Clean aand Press Sedangkan 5 item test atlet Muaythai Jatim tidak lolos. Dapat disimpulkan atlet Muythai Jawa Timur mempunyai otot hamstring yang kuat dapat dibuktikan dari test hamstring dan Kneel Up mereka semua lolos target yang ditetapkan. Sedangkan untuk otot perut dan konsenrtrasi atlet muythai Jawa Timur cukup menjadi catatan untuk memperbanyak waktu latihan lagi agar bisa lolos item test dan impian menjadi juara tercapai di Papua nanti.
Kata Kunci :Standarisasi. Fisik, Muaythai.
Muythai was officially competed for the first time in XX Papua 2021 PON in addition to good technique, he must also have a good physique. The purpose of this study was to determine the standard physical condition of the Puslatda Muaythai athletes in East Java. This type of research takes quantitative with descriptive method. The data analysis technique used is secondary data from the physical test of muaythai athletes in East Java. The research subjects were 8 Muaythai Puslatda athletes in East Java in 2020. The results of the research on Standard Physical Conditions of the East Java Psulatda 100 in Muaythai Sports after Training From Home showed: 20 meter sprints with an average of 3.08; Sit and Reach averaged 25.1; Chin UP averaged 60; Average sit-ups of 46.8; Kneel Up averaged 5; average square jump 31.3; Hamstrings averaged 5; 33 RM Clean and Press average 59.5; Rusian Twist Average 10.00; jugling 3 balls average 0; Multi Fitnes Test (MFT) averaged 11.95. The research aimed to determine the standard physical condition of Muaythai athletes in East Java who will be prepared for the XX PON event in Papua in 2021. Of the 11 test items and measurements carried out by Muaythai athletes in East Java, they passed 6 test items, namely Sit and Reache, Chin Up, Kneel Up, Square Jump, Hamstring, Clean and Press. While the 5 test items for East Java Muaythai athletes did not pass. It can be concluded that East Java Muythai athletes have strong hamstring muscles which can be proven from the hamstring and Kneel Up tests, they all passed the set targets. As for the abdominal muscles and the concentration of muythai athletes in East Java, it is enough to be a record to increase the amount of training time again so that they can pass the item test and achieve the dream of becoming a champion in Papua later.
Keywords: Standardization. Physical, Muaythai.