Pada masa pandemic covid 19, semua aktifitas dilakukan secara daring, termasuk proses belajar mengajar. Tujuan penelitian ini adalah untuk mengetahui tingkat motivasi belajar siswa pada pelajaran PJOK selama masa pandemic covid 19. Penelitian deskriptif kuantitatif menggunakan sampel penelitian 41 siswa 11 SMA Negeri Kesamben Jombang. Tingkat motivasi belajar siswa diukur pada semester ganjil tahun pelajaran 2020/2021 dengan menggunakan kuesioner melalui google form. Setelah data terkumpul, maka data dianalisis dengan menentukan skor item kuesioner dan melakukan pengkategorian dengan skala Guttman. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan tingkat motivasi belajar siswa selama masa pandemic covid 19 ini berada pada kategori sangat rendah sebesar 0%, kategori rendah 0%, kategori sedang sebesar 19,51%, kategori tinggi sebesar 80,49% dan kategori sangat tinggi sebesar 0%. Kesimpulannya tingkat motivasi belajar siswa pada pelajaran PJOK selama masa pandemic covid 19 sebesar 80,49% dan masuk dalam kategori tinggi.
During the Covid 19 pandemic, all activities were carried out online, including the teaching and learning process. The purpose of this study was to determine the level of student motivation in PJOK lessons during the Covid 19 pandemic. This research is a type of quantitative descriptive study using a survey method. The sample of this research was 41 students 11 SMA Negeri Kesamben Jombang. The level of student motivation is measured in the odd semester of the 2020/2021 school year using a questionnaire via google form. After the data is collected, the data is analyzed by determining the score of the questionnaire items and categorizing them with the Guttman scale. The results showed that the level of student motivation during the COVID-19 pandemic was in the very low category of 0%, the low category of 0%, the medium category of 19.51%, the high category of 80.49% and the very high category of 0%. In conclusion, the level of student motivation in PJOK lessons during the Covid 19 pandemic was 80.49% and was in the high category.