Improving the quality of education in Indonesia must be improved,
especially in vocational education, one of which is through the learning
process in the classroom. The learning process must encourage students to think
critically and learn optimally. Based on the foregoing, this study aims to: (1)
obtain information on differences in the effectiveness of the Jigsaw type cooperative
learning model and the direct learning model on student learning outcomes in
the DKBTPT class X DPIB students of SMK Negeri 2 Surakarta; (2) obtain
information on differences in learning outcomes between students who have high critical thinking skills and students who have low critical thinking skills in DKBTPT subjects in class X
DPIB SMK Negeri 2 Surakarta; (3) obtain information on whether there is an
interaction between learning models and students' critical thinking skills on
student learning outcomes in DKBTPT X class subjects DPIB SMK Negeri 2
This research is an experimental research with 2x2 factorial design. The
sample of this study was 64th grade DPIB students of SMK Negeri 2 Surakarta in
the 2018/2019 school year, totaling 64 students. Data obtained from the results
of observations, interviews, and tests. The data analysis technique uses the
Anava 2 path technique.
The results of the study: (1) students who learn using the Jigsaw
cooperative learning model, obtain significantly higher learning outcomes
(cognitive, affective, and psychomotor domains) than students who learn by
using the direct learning model in DKBTPT subjects in SMK Negeri 2 Surakarta;
(2) learning outcomes (cognitive, affective, and psychomotor domains) for students
who have high critical
thinking skills , significantly higher than learning outcomes (cognitive, affective, and
psychomotor domains) students who have low critical thinking skills in DKBTPT
subjects in SMK Negeri 2 Surakarta; (3) there is a very significant interaction
between learning models and the level of critical thinking skills on learning
outcomes (cognitive, affective, and psychomotor domains) of students in DKBTPT
subjects in SMK Negeri 2 Surakarta.
Cooperative Jigsaw Type, Direct Learning Model, Critical Thinking Skills,
Learning Outcomes