Fransiska Harahap. 2019. Construction Deconstruction Reconstruction - Provocation Learning Model (CDR-Po) to Train Students' Creative Thinking Skills in Middle School Science Learning. Dissertation, Doctoral Program of Science Education, Universitas Negeri Surabaya. Promoter: Prof. Dr. Leny Yuanita, M.Kes., and Co Promoter: Prof. Dr. H. Muslimin Ibrahim, M.Pd.
Key words: Construction Deconstruction reconstruction - Provocation model, creative thinking skills.
The purpose of this study is to produce a valid, practical, and effective CDR-Po model that is suitable to be used to train students' creative thinking skills in junior high school science learning. This research was conducted in three stages, namely the preliminary stage, the development stage, and the implementation stage. The trial design used is a pre-experiment with one group pre-test post-test design. The limited test subjects were 20 students from class VII B and extensive test subjects were 69 students of class VII A, class VII C, and class VII D at St. Rafael Catholic Middle School in Manado. data were collected through expert validity assessment, tests, observations, questionnaires, and audio-visual documentation. The data analysis techniques are descriptive qualitative, n-gain, and non parametric statistics. The results of the study are: (1) The content validity of the CDR-Po model is classified as a very valid criterion and construct validity as a valid criterion, (2) the validity of the learning tools could be categorized as valid, (3) the implementation of the model in trial is very good, (4) students' activities during the learning process are classified as good, (5) students' creative thinking skills increase significantly. The criteria for fluency and flexibility are low, and the originality is medium, (6) students' responses to the learning process are very good. Based on the results of the study, it is concluded that the developed CDR-Po model was valid, practical, and effective in training students' creative thinking skills in junior high school science learning.