The purpose of this research is to explain the character
values of Jokotole's Pencak Silat in 2003-2018. This research was conducted
to identify and describe character values in Pencak Silat Jokotole that in
2003, character values had been taught, even when the establishment of pencak
silat Jokotole had applied character values. Character education is education
that must be applied from an early age to make someone who has character and
identity. Character education is also a conscious effort of the community and
nation in upholding the younger generation for the survival of a better society
and nation in the future. The interesting thing to study from the Character
Value Education in Pencak Silat is. 1.) What is the form of training in
Jokotole's pencak silat? 2.) What character education can be obtained from
Jokotole's Pencak Silat?
This study aims to describe the character Value of
Jokotole’s Pencak Silat in 2003-2018. The reserach method used in this study is
This research is a qualitative descriptive study using historical research
methods. The research process is carried out by collecting relevant data,
conducting source criticism to verify the authenticity of sources, connecting
and interpreting existing data, and carrying out historical processes to
explain in the form of explanations. Will finish. Data collection techniques
using interviews and documentation.
The results of this study indicate that (1) the steps in
the form of training in pencak silat Jokotole are conditioning athletes,
implementing the method and closing the exercise. (2) The character values that
appear in pencak silat jokotole are religious character values where these
character values are applied in the form of collective recitation, dhikr, the
second is discipline is applied in the form of discipline during practice, the
third cares about the environment where these character values are applied in
the form of cleaning the training ground before training begins, fourthly
respecting achievements where this character value is applied in the form of
respecting other athletes when they struggle to train for achievement, fifthly
hard work where this character value is applied in the form when training needs
to repeat a movement until memorized, sixth self-confidence seen in the form we
must be able to memorize silat material, the seven responsibilities can be seen
from the coaches training their athletes, and the eighth love for the homeland
is seen in the form of athletes having won an event.
Keyword : Character Education,
Jokotole Pencak Silat.