Rukmini. 2022. Development of a Mixed
Learning Model With a Process Oriented Guided Inquiry Learning Approach to
Improve Ability to Understand Concepts, Perform Procedures and Solve Problems
in Child Nursing Courses for D3 Nursing Students Stikes Adi Husada,
Postgraduate State University of Surabaya. Supervisor: (I) Prof. Dr. Mustaji,
M.Pd., and (II) Dr. Andi Mariono, M.Pd.
Keywords: Mixed Learning Model, Process
Oriented Guided Inquiry Learning, understanding concepts, performing
procedures, solving problems
This study aims to (1) produce
a Mixed Learning model with a proper Process Oriented Guided Inquiry Learning
approach, (2) produce a Mixed Learning model with a practical Process Oriented
Guided Inquiry Learning approach, (3) produce a Mixed Learning model with a
Process Oriented Guided approach. Effective Inquiry Learning to improve the
ability to understand concepts, (4) Produce a Mixed Learning model with an
effective Process Oriented Guided Inquiry Learning approach to improve the
ability to use procedures, (5) Produce a Mixed Learning model with an effective
Process Oriented Guided Inquiry Learning approach to improve the ability to
solve problems at the pediatric nursing course.
The development model from ten
stages by Dick and Carey (2015) was chosen for analysis. The data were
collected from 34 nursing students using three techniques: (1) observation, (2)
questionnaire, and (3) test. This study was conducted at two different
variables: independent and dependent. The independent variable is mixed
learning model with Process Oriented Guided Inquiry Learning approach;
meanwhile, the dependent variables are the ability to understand concepts, use
procedures, and solve problems. The data were analyzed by descriptive and
statistical analysis of paired sample T-test and wilcoxon test.
The experimental results
showed (1) the Mixed Learning model with the Process Oriented Guided Inquiry
Learning approach was very suitable for use in pediatric nursing courses, (2)
the Mixed Learning model with the Process Oriented Guided Inquiry Learning
approach was efficient to use in pediatric nursing courses, (3) Mixed Learning
model with Process Oriented Guided Inquiry Learning approach effectively
increases the ability to understand concepts (α = 0,00 ); (4) Mixed Learning
model with Process Oriented Guided Inquiry Learning approach is effective in
increasing the ability to perform procedures (α = 0,00 ); (5) Mixed Learning
model with Process Oriented Guided Inquiry Learning approach is effective in
improving problem-solving ability (α = 0,00 ). Based on the results of data
analysis, it can be concluded that the Mixed Learning model with the Process
Oriented Guided Inquiry Learning approach is feasible, practical and effective
to be applied at the pediatric nursing course..