Keywords: Contextual Learning,
Learning Activities, Learning Outcomes
The purpose of this study was to
find out (1) the difference of applying the contextual learning on student outcomes
learning in the material the influence of village urban interaction for
SMA N 1 Wonoayu's student class XII IPS. (2) the difference of applying the contextual
learning on student activities learning in the material the influence of
village urban interaction for SMA N 1 Wonoayu's student class XII IPS.
(3) the effect of applying the contextual learning on student learning
activities and student outcomes learning in the material the influence of village
urban interaction for SMA N 1 Wonoayu's student class XII IPS.
This research is a quantitative
research using quasy experiment type research. The instruments that used to
collect data were learning device validation sheets (RPP
and LKPD), observation sheets for
learning activities and pre test question and post test question.. Test the
instrument through validity and reliability test, while the data analysis test
through normality test, homogenity test, and hypothesis testing using MANOVA test with the help of SPSS 23.
Based on the results of data
analysis, it can be concluded (1) contextual learning model can have a
significant effect on student learning activities with the value of the
experimental class and control of F test at 90,505 and significance level at
0,05. (2) contextual learning model can have a significant effect on student
outcomes learning with the value of the experimental class and control of F
test at 459,883 and significance level at 0,05. (3) the application of contextual
learning model can have a significant effect on student learning activities and
student outcomes learning simultanously with statistics test for each
signification have less than 0,05.
The results of this research are useful to
choose an effective learning model to improve the activities and learning
outcomes of students on geographic subjects according to the demands of the