Pemanfaatan Metode Mind Mapping dalam Meningkatkan Kualitas Pembelajaran Siswa SMK
The Utilization Of Mind Mapping Method In Improving Learning Quality Of Vocational School Students
Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk, (1) Menganalisis implikasi penerapan metode mind mapping terhadap kualitas pembelajaran, (2) Menganalisis peran metode pembelajaran mind mapping dalam meningkatkan kualitas pembelajaran, (3) Menganalisis keefektifan metode mind mapping dalam pembelajaran di sekolah menengah kejuruan SMK, dan (4) Menganalisis pemanfaatan metode mind mapping dalam pembelajaran. Penelitian ini merupakan penelitian systematic literature review kualitatif berupa meta-synthesis yang mengkaji kembali 13 studi mengenai metode pembelajaran mind mapping tahun 2017-2021. Pendekatan statistik pada penelitian ini menggunakan meta-agresi dengan prosedur penelitian yang diusulkan Kitchenham dan Charters meliputi reseach question, search strategy, study selection, data extraction, study quality and relevance assesment, dan data synthesis. Pada tahap reseach question dan search strategy penelitian ini menggunakan pedoman aturan kriteria Sample, Phenomenon of interest, Design, Evaluation, dan Research type (SPIDER) yang diusulkan Alison Cooke pada penelitian kualitatif. Melalui prosedur penelitian yang ada didapatkan 13 studi berupa jurnal nasional maupun internasional dengan 9 studi berindex SCOPUS, DOAJ, ScimagoJR, dan 3 studi berindex SINTA. Hasil analisis dari 13 studi yang dianalisis didapatkan, (1) Implikasi metode mind mapping terbagi menjadi 3 aspek yaitu pertama, implikasi mind mapping terhadap proses belajar yang ditunjukkan dengan efisiensi pembelajaran dan efektivitas metode melalui peningkatan suasana belajar, aktivitas belajar, motivasi dan minat, dan kualitas pengetahuan. Kedua, implikasi terhadap hasil belajar ditunjukkan dengan adanya perubahan nilai rerata post-test yang lebih baik dibanding pre-test berturut-turut sebesar 79,18 dan 60,35 dengan selisih 18,83. Ketiga, implikasi terhadap peningkatan kemampuan berpikir dan kompetensi siswa ditunjukkan melalui peningkatan kemampuan berpikir logis, kritis, kreatif, dan terstruktur serta pada kompetensi bidang studi yang diajarkan, (2) Peran metode mind mapping pada proses peningkatan kualitas terdapat dalam 3 aspek utama yaitu, pertama aspek proses belajar yang ditunjukkan dengan terbantunya interaktivitas, diskusi instan, integrasi cerdas dan mengatur fokus belajar siswa. Kedua, aspek aktivitas siswa yang ditunjukkan dengan terdorongnya siswa menjadi aktif sebagai pusat pembelajaran yang berdampak pada kemandirian belajar. Ketiga, aspek hasil belajar yang ditunjukkan dengan tercapainya pemahaman siswa secara optimal melalui proses visualisasi materi yang memungkinkan korelasi materi pada struktur hierarki sehingga memberikan pandangan komperhensif dan dapat memperjelas mode kognitif siswa secara kritis dalam memechakan masalah, (3) Keefektifan metode mind mapping dalam meningkatkan kualitas belajar melalui peningkatan aktivitas belajar, suasana belajar, dan hasil belajar serta kompetensi bidang studi ditunjukkan dengan adanya rerata persentase keefektifan sebesar 77,07 % dalam kategori efektif, (4) Pemanfaatan metode mind mapping yang dilakukan dengan dua Teknik, Teknik tradisional mind mapping dan digital mind mapping memberikan dampak besar pada efisiensi dan referensi penggunaan. Dengan demikian penerapan metode mind mapping dalam pembelajaran memberikan manfaat pada peningkatan kualitas belajar melalui peningkatan efektivitas dan efisiensi pembelajaran.
This study aims to, (1) analyze the implications of the application of the mind mapping method on the quality of learning, (2) analyze the role of the mind mapping learning method in improving the quality of learning, (3) analyze the effectiveness of the mind mapping method in learning in vocational high schools, and ( 4) Analyzing the use of the mind mapping method in learning. This research is a qualitative systematic literature review study in the form of a meta-synthesis that reviews 13 studies on mind mapping learning methods in 2017-2021. The statistical approach in this study uses meta-aggression with the research procedures proposed by Kitchenham and Charters including research questions, search strategies, study selection, data extraction, study quality and relevance assessment, and data synthesis. At the research question and search strategy stage, this research uses the rules of the Sample, Phenomenon of interest, Design, Evaluation, and Research type (SPIDER) criteria proposed by Alison Cooke in qualitative research. Through the existing research procedures, 13 studies were obtained in the form of national and international journals with 9 studies indexed by SCOPUS, DOAJ, ScimagoJR, and 3 studies indexed by SINTA. The results of the analysis of the 13 studies analyzed were found, (1) The implications of the mind mapping method are divided into 3 aspects, namely first, the implications of mind mapping on the learning process as indicated by the efficiency of learning and the effectiveness of the method through improving the learning atmosphere, learning activities, motivation and interest, and knowledge quality. Second, the implications for learning outcomes are indicated by a change in the mean score of the post-test which is better than the pre-test of 79.18 and 60.35, respectively, with a difference of 18.83. Third, the implications for improving students' thinking skills and competencies are shown through increasing logical, critical, creative, and structured thinking skills as well as on the competencies of the fields of study being taught, (2) The role of the mind mapping method in the quality improvement process is in 3 main aspects, namely, first aspects of the learning process shown by the help of interactivity, instant discussion, intelligent integration and managing student learning focus. Second, the aspect of student activity which is indicated by the encouragement of students to be active as learning centers which have an impact on learning independence. Third, the aspect of learning outcomes shown by achieving optimal student understanding through a material visualization process that allows material correlation in the hierarchical structure so as to provide a comprehensive view and can clarify students' cognitive modes critically in solving problems, (3) The effectiveness of the mind mapping method in improving quality learning through increased learning activities, learning atmosphere, and learning outcomes as well as competence in the field of study indicated by the average percentage of effectiveness of 77.07% in the effective category, (4) Utilization of mind mapping methods carried out with two techniques, traditional mind mapping and digital techniques mind mapping has a big impact on efficiency and reference usage. Thus the application of the mind mapping method in learning provides benefits for improving the quality of learning through increasing the effectiveness and efficiency of learning.