The sixth-grade
students at SDN Lidah Kulon IV/467 Surabaya encountered difficulties in
learning about the Solar System, as indicated by the average student score of
only 77, slightly above the Minimum Mastery Criteria (KKM) of 75. The Solar
System material is considered challenging due to the teacher’s limitations in
presenting celestial objects directly to students and the broad, complex scope
of the topic. This study aims to develop and assess the effectiveness,
validity, and practicality of an interactive learning medium based on Augmented
Reality, named DISOL-AR (Interactive Media Solar System Augmented Reality), for
teaching Solar System concepts.
The research used the
Research and Development (R&D) method, with the ADDIE development model
(Analysis, Design, Development, Implementation, and Evaluation). The study was
conducted with 59 sixth-grade students at SDN Lidah Kulon IV/467, divided into
30 students in the experimental group and 29 students in the control group.
The results show that
the DISOL-AR media is valid, with a media validity percentage of 90% and a
material validity percentage of 92.5%, categorized as "valid"
according to the criteria (81%-100%). In terms of practicality, this medium was
also rated highly, with an average learning implementation rate of 90.7%.
Moreover, DISOL-AR was found effective, with a learning mastery rate of 91%,
classified as "Highly Effective." Statistical testing using an
independent sample t-test yielded a Sig (2-tailed) value of 0.000 < 0.05,
demonstrating a significant impact of DISOL-AR on student learning outcomes.
Thus, DISOL-AR is
proven valid, practical, and effective in enhancing sixth-grade students'
understanding of the Solar System material. This medium is expected to serve as
a solution for teachers in delivering complex Solar System content and to
provide students with a more interactive learning experience.
Keywords : Augmented Reality, Solar System, Interactive Media, Learning