Pembuatan desain motif batik khas Benjeng bertujuan untuk meningkatkan pemahaman masyarakat Benjeng terhadap nilai sosial dan budaya daerah, sekaligus melestarikan warisan leluhur. Berdasarkan observasi, diketahui bahwa pemahaman siswa mengenai seni rupa masih sangat terbatas, terutama dalam bidang seni tekstil yang membutuhkan pengembangan lebih lanjut. Oleh karena itu, peneliti mengajak siswa MAN 2 Gresik untuk merancang motif khas Benjeng dan dibuat dengan teknik batik tulis, sehingga dapat menggali potensi kreatif secara mendalam dan meningkatkan kualitas pembelajaran seni rupa di sekolah.
Tujuan dari penelitian ini yaitu untuk mengetahui proses pembelajaran, hasil pembuatan desain motif batik, dan hasil penerapan desain motif batik khas Benjeng oleh siswa kelas XI 1 MAN 2 Gresik.
Penelitian ini menggunakan metode deskriptif kualitatif untuk mendeskripsikan proses pembelajaran pembuatan desain motif batik, hasil pembuatan desain motif batik, dan hasil penerapan desain motif batik khas Benjeng oleh siswa kelas XI 1 MAN 2 Gresik. Validitas data diperoleh melalui berbagai sumber, termasuk observasi, wawancara, dokumentasi, hasil karya, dan angket.
Penelitian ini dilaksanakan dalam sepuluh pertemuan di kelas XI-1 MAN 2 Gresik secara berkelompok. Pertemuan pertama pemaparan materi batik tulis, memberikan contoh ciri khas dari Benjeng, serta pembagian kelompok dan produk non-sandang. Pertemuan kedua setiap kelompok membuat sketsa desain pada buku gambar A4. Pertemuan ketiga memasuki tahap konsultasi sketsa motif ciri khas Benjeng, bagi kelompok yang telah berkonsultasi diarahkan pada tahap menjiplak sketsa pada kain mori berukuran 115 cm x 115 cm. Pertemuan keempat peneliti menjelaskan cara mencanting dan mendemonstrasikan proses mencanting dengan benar. Pertemuan kelima setiap kelompok melanjutkan proses mencanting. Pertemuan keenam memasuki tahap proses pewarnaan. Pertemuan ketujuh melanjutkan proses pewarnaan kain. Pertemuan kedelapan penguncian warna menggunakan waterglass. Pertemuan kesembilan melaksanakan proses nglorod pada kain setiap kelompok. Pertemuan kesepuluh siswa mengisi angket dan foto bersama serta wawancara dengan guru seni budaya kelas XI-1 untuk mendapatkan tanggapan terkait kegiatan penelitian dan hasil karya motif batik khas Benjeng.
Hasil dari pembuatan desain motif khas Benjeng mencakup 7 karya non-sandang terdiri dari 3 hiasan dinding, 2 sarung bantal, dan 2 taplak meja. Terdapat empat kelompok memperoleh nilai sangat baik dengan rentang nilai 86-100, dua kelompok memperoleh nilai baik dengan rentang nilai 76-85, dan satu kelompok memperoleh nilai kurang baik dengan rentang nilai 0-65. Hal ini menunjukkan bahwa siswa berhasil mengembangkan kreativitas mereka dalam berkarya seni, yang terlihat dari karya-karya yang dinilai baik dan memuaskan. Kegiatan penelitian ini juga mendapatkan tanggapan positif dari guru seni budaya kelas XI-1 serta seluruh siswa kelas XI MAN 2 Gresik, yang menunjukkan dukungan dan antusiasme tinggi sepanjang kegiatan penelitian, dari awal hingga akhir.
Kata Kunci: Khas Benjeng, Desain Motif, MAN 2 Gresik.
The making of Benjeng's typical batik motif designs aims to increase the understanding of the Benjeng people towards the social and cultural values of the region, as well as preserve the heritage of their ancestors. Based on observations, it is known that students' understanding of fine arts is still very limited, especially in the field of textile arts that require further development. Therefore, the researcher invites MAN 2 Gresik students to actively explore in making Benjeng's typical batik motifs through the written batik technique, so that they can explore creative potential in depth and improve the quality of fine arts learning at school.
The purpose of this research is to find out the learning process, the results of making batik motif designs, and the results of the application of Benjeng's typical batik motif designs by students of grade XI 1 MAN 2 Gresik.
This research uses a qualitative descriptive method to describe the learning process of making Benjeng batik motif designs by students of class XI 1 MAN 2 Gresik, the results of making Benjeng batik motif designs by students of class XI 1 MAN 2 Gresik, the results of the application of Benjeng batik motif designs by students of class XI 1 MAN 2 Gresik. The validity of the data was obtained through various sources, including observations, interviews, documentation, works, and questionnaires. This research was carried out in ten meetings in class XI-1 MAN 2 Gresik in groups. The first meeting presented material about written
batik, providing examples of Benjeng's characteristics, and the division of groups and the distribution of non-clothing products. The second meeting of each group made a design sketch on an A4 drawing book. The third meeting entered the consultation stage of sketching Benjeng's characteristic motifs, for the group that had been approved by the researcher, they were directed to the stage of tracing sketches on mori cloth measuring 115 cm x 115 cm. The fourth meeting of each group was explained how to canting, and the researcher demonstrated the process of canting correctly. The fifth meeting of each group continued the canting process. The sixth meeting entered the stage of the coloring process. The seventh meeting continued the coloring process for groups that still have not finished dyeing fabrics. The eighth meeting locks the color using waterglass. The ninth meeting carried out the nglorod process on the fabric that was worked on in each group. At the tenth meeting, students filled out a questionnaire, then the activity ended with a group photo session and an interview with the cultural arts teacher of class XI-1 to get responses related to research activities and works of typical Benjeng batik motifs.
The result of making Benjeng's typical motif design includes seven works, which are non-clothing products consisting of three wall hangings, two pillowcases, and two tablecloths. There were four groups that obtained very good scores with a score range of 86-100, two groups obtained good scores with a score range of 76-85, and one group obtained poor scores with a score range of 0-65. This shows that students have succeeded in developing their creativity in making art, which can be seen from the works that are considered good and satisfactory. This research activity also received a positive response from the cultural arts teachers of class XI-1 and all students of class XI MAN 2 Gresik, who showed high support and enthusiasm throughout the research activity, from beginning to end.
Keywords: Typical of Benjeng, Motif Design, MAN 2 Gresik.