Class Struggle in Alice Munro’s Selected Short Stories
Fanani, Abu, Class Struggle in Alice Munro’s Selected Short Stories. Pembimbing: Prof. Budi Darma and Prof. Fabiola D. Kurnia.
Di disertasi ini, saya menganalisa class struggle dalam kumpulan cerita pendek Alice Munro dengan menggunakan Marxism sebagai teori utama dan Sociological theory of conflict sebagai teori pendukung. Sedangkan metode yang saya gunakan ialah close reading maksudnya saya mulai mendalami kata-kata dalam teks dan semua nilai konotatif dan denotative di samping saya merujuk ke teori Marxism sebagai teori utama dan sociological theory of conflict sebagai teori pendukung. Hasil dari studi ini yaitu para tokoh mengalami class struggle: proletariat melawan capitalis, orang miskin melawan orang kaya dan orang biasa melawan tuan tanah yang disebabkan oleh: pertama, hubungan eksploitasi yang terdiri dari eksploitasi ambiguitas sintaktis, eksploitasi orang dan orang dan eksploitasi pekerja, kedua, hubungan ekonomi yang terdidri dari hubungan kapitalis dan intelektual dan hubungan kapitalis dan pekerja dan ketiga pekerja kelas bawah yang depresi yang terdiri dari pelanggaran aturan kerja. Disamping itu adanya perubahan setelah pertarungan kelas yaitu perubahan hubungan sosial yang terdiri dari berpisahnya hidup mereka.
Kata-kata kunci: binary oppositions, social class, class struggle, alienation, mode of production.
Fanani, Abu, Class Struggle in Alice Munro’s Selected Short Stories. Advisors: Prof. Budi Darma and Prof. Fabiola D. Kurnia.
In this dissertation, I analyze class struggle in Alice Munro’s selected short stories using Marxism as the main theory and Sociological theory of conflict as the supporting theory. Whilst, the method is close reading in that I begin with a feeling to the words of the text and all their denotative and connotative values and implications beside of referring to the theory of Marxism as the main theory and sociological theory of conflict as the supporting one. The result of this study is that the characters undergo class struggle: the proletariat against the capitalist, the haves not against the haves and the commons against the landlord within alienation as well as mode of production caused by factors of their struggle: firstly, exploitative relation consisting of exploitation of syntactic ambiguity, exploitation of man by man and exploitation of worker, secondly, economic relation consisting relation of the capitalist and the intellectual and the relation of the capitalist and the worker and thirdly, depressed proletarian consisting of the rule violation. Besides, a change after the class struggle is visible: social relation consisting of a life separation.
Key terms: binary oppositions, social class, class struggle, alienation, mode of production.