Dindya Sisca. 2019. The influence of using guided inquiry on
student’s self-regulated learning and ability to identify by second grade
students at primary school Sinergia Homeschooling Surabaya.
: homeschooling, Guided Inquiry, self-regulated learning (SRL) and ability
to identify.
This literature aims to d escribe how many student Involved and implicated in Guided Inquiry in elementary school at Si nergia I nternational E ducation Surabaya especially for their second grade in science subject. Our object s are the students in the second grade elementary school . with an age range of 7-8 years. The forms of self-regulated learning included in this study are emotional aspects , intellectual, social responses , value and behavioral.
The time for creating t his
research is from March till April 2020
in even semester. This analysist technique is using Mann Whitney and Wilcoxon sign-test, and then the result is Guided Inquiry model
can improve student’s self-regulated learning and
there is a n correlation between their
a billity to identif y the source of energy in the human around . And also this literature support by previous literature s which make the same decision . For the future this literature can bring renewable input for instruction
model in the elementary school such as evaluation and phases for the better instructional
design in our educational system.
Describe the data collection processes involved to
ten survei items, the results showed that from the 10 items of indicator
variables contained in the questionnaire, the answers from students in the
control class differed from those in the experimental class. Student answers on
each questionnaire item in the experimental class showed a higher percentage of
independence than the answers of students in the control class.
line with the objectives of this study, it was concluded that there was an
influence of the guided inquiry model on student independence. Because the
guided inquiry model has a syntax method which is proven to be more effective
in increasing student learning independence. There is the influence of guided
inquiry models on the ability of students to identify energy sources that are
around humans. Because by applying the guided inquiry model students can be
more active in answering material questions contained in the light and shadow