Critical thinking in problems solving is thinking with reflective
considerations and through a process of interpretation, analysis, evaluation,
inference, explanation and self-regulation in problems solving. In learning, a
student needs to think critically in solving a problem, including the problem
of numeracy literacy that appropriate with Minimum Competency Assessment. The
different critical thinking abilities of male and female students need to be
known in order to know the right learning.
This research aimed to
describe the critical thinking profiles of junior high school students in
solving numeracy literacy problems that appropriate with Minimum Competency
Assessment. The problem of numeracy literacy in this research is limited to the
data domain content with the modus, median and mean theory, at the cognitive
level of reasoning, and also at the personal, socio-cultural and extra scientific
This research used
descriptive research with a qualitative approach. The Data collection in this research
used the Bem Sex Role Inventory test, math ability tests, problem solving
assignments and interview guidelines. The subjects of this research consisted
of two students of 8th grade
in junior high school with masculine male and feminine female gender. The
subject of this research did not look mathematical ability specifically, but
focused more on each of the masculine and feminine gender tendencies. However,
the academic aspects of the subjects were chosen based on their equivalent
mathematical abilities.
The results showed that the profiles of
masculine male and feminine female students’s critical thinking had differences
and similarities. In this case, it can be concluded that the critical thinking
of masculine male student fulfills all indicators of critical thinking and
makes reflective consideration in solving the three numeracy literacy problems.
Meanwhile, the critical thinking of feminine female student fulfills all
indicators of critical thinking in solving the three problems, except for the
analysis indicator. In addition, feminine female student perform reflective
consideration in solving problems except for numeracy literacy problems with
extra scientific contexts, cognitive levels of reasoning, data domain content
and modus theory. In the problem solving strategy, masculine male and feminine
female students have different ways. In expressing problem solving in worksheets,
masculine male student tends to be shorter, writes down the solution only in
the final results and calculation process, while feminine female student tends
to be intact, writes down the solution from what is known to the conclusion.
: Critical
Thinking, Masculine Male, Feminin Female, Numeracy Literacy Problems, Minimum
Competency Assessment.