Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mendeskripsikan persepsi warga sekolah (kepala sekolah, guru, peserta didik non berkebutuhan khusus) terhadap keberadaan anak berkebutuhan khusus di sekolah inklusi. Penelitian ini menggunakan metode review literatur, 9 artikel bereputasi dan buku-buku yang relevan digunakan untuk mengkaji masalah tentang persepsi warga sekolah, selanjutnya dilakukan analisis secara deskriptif kualitatif, untuk menemukan relasi substantif antar artikel tersebut. Analisis tersebut ditemukan bahwa: (1) Kepala sekolah telah berusaha menciptakan iklim sekolah yang ramah terhadap keberadaan ABK dengan meminimalisir diskriminasi secara verbal maupun non verbal di sekolah. (2) Guru telah dapat menerima keberadaan ABK apa adanya, dengan meniadakan bullying terhadap keberadaan anak berkebutuhan khusus dalam proses pembelajaran di kelas. (3) Siswa telah secara aktif membantu anak berkebutuhan khusus dalam pembelajaran maupun social, namun ada sebagian kecil yang masih memilih-milih teman dalam bergaul, baik di dalam kelas maupun di luar kelas.
Kata Kunci: Persepsi Warga Sekolah dan Anak berkebutuhan Khusus
This study aimed to describe the school communities’ perception (principals, teachers, non-special learners) toward the presence of children with special needs in inclusive schools. This study employed a literature review method that consisted of nine reputable articles that were used to investigate the school communities’ perception which was analyzed using qualitative descriptive analysis to find the substantive relations between those nine articles. Based on the analysis, it was found that; (1) The school principal has tried to create a friendly school climate for the presence of children with special needs by minimizing verbal and non-verbal discrimination at school. (2) Teachers have been able to accept the presence of children with special needs by eliminating a bullying to the presence of children with special needs during the learning process in the classroom, and (3) Students have actively assisted the special learners in learning and social life, but there are a small number of them who still picking out friends in socializing, both in the classroom and outside the classroom.
Keywords: School Communities' Perception and Children with Special Needs