The purpose of this study i s
to : (1) Develop media CAI on "light ing in the taking of
picture" in graphic
design printing subject materials for students in
class XI multimedia at SMKN 2 , Buduran
Sidoarjo, (2) Knowing the feasibility of media CAI on "light ing in the taking of
picture" in graphic
design printing subject materials for students in
class XI multimedia at SMKN 2 , Buduran
Sidoarjo, (3) Knowing the effectiveness of media CAI
on "light ing in the taking of picture" in graphic design printing subject materials for
students in class XI multimedia at SMKN 2 , Buduran
Sidoarjo .
Development Model used is the ADDIE development model (Analyze, Design,
Development, Implementation, Evaluation). The subjects of the CAI media trial
were tested on 2 material and media experts, students of the XI class of Multimedia at SMKN 2 Buduran
Sidoarjo with consist of 34 student s . Data collection was done through interviewing
material experts and media experts, student questionnaires consisting of
individual trials of 3 students, small group trials of 6 students, and trials
of a large group in 34 students, this was
done to determine the feasibility of media CAI. Analysis of data use to process
student learning outcomes data namely by percentage and t test, this is to
determine the effectiveness of CAI media
on the data analysis of the expert interview is
obtained calculation the value in 93,75% , and the media experts calculated a value of 83,3%.
While the results of the product trial questionnaire in class XI of Multimedia students at SMK N 2 Buduran
Sidorajo, the results of the individual percentage trials were 90,7%, the
results of the small group trials were 92,5%, and the results of the large
group trial were 92,6%. With the results
obtained, it can be concluded that the CAI media is categorized as very good and feasible to use in learning. From the
analysis of data from the learning test results using CAI media there were
significant differences with learning that did not use CAI media. This can be
proven by the obtaining value of the results in the data of
test that t count test = 16,265.
From the results of the calculation d.b = N-1 = 34-1 = 33 (consulted with t
table) and obtained t table of 1,692. T count
is greater than t table (16,265>1,692). So that it can be concluded that the
CAI media developed was effective in improving the learning outcomes of CAI on "light ing in the taking of picture" materials for students in
class XI multimedia at SMKN 2 , Buduran
Keywords :
Development, Media CAI, graphic design
printing , light ing in the taking of picture