Name :
Rizal Alamsyah
ID Number :
Study Program :
Department :
Civil Engineering
Faculty :
Institution Name : State University Of Surabaya
Supervisor :
Krisna Dwi Handayani, S.T., M.MT., M.T.
The development of the Building
Design of SMK Negeri 1 Kota Mojokerto was motivated by the lack of
infrastructure such as general learning rooms, special learning rooms and
supporting rooms. So the purpose of writing this paper is to find out how to
develop architectural and structural designs for buildings at SMK Negeri 1 Kota
Mojokerto. The data were collected by means of observation, interviews and
Existing space data were
analyzed space requirements based on PERMENDIKNAS Number 40 of 2008 and
calculation of Preliminary design of column, beam and plate structures in order
to obtain a total plan space area of 3131m2
which is grouped into three, namely a general learning room with a total area
of 1056m2, a special room with a
total area of 780m2
supporting space with a total area of 1295m2,
and preliminary design structures, namely Main beam (B1) 25 / 50cm,
reinforcement diameter D32 and stirrup ø10-150mm
and ø10-600mm, Main beam type (B2)
35 / 70cm, reinforcement diameter D25 and stirrup ø10 -350mm and ø10-750mm,
Beam Type (BA) 20 / 40cm, diameter D16 and stirrups ø10-200mm and ø10-600mm,
Practical Column (Kp) 15x15 cm, main reinforcement D12, and stirrup ø10-150mm
mm Structural Column (K1) 50x50cm, main reinforcement D12, and stirrup
ø10-150mm, Floor plate type A and type B (t = 17cm), diameter of reinforcement
Mtx = ø10-75mm, Mty = ø10-100mm, Mlx = Mly = ø10-150mm, Floor plate type C (t =
18cm), dimension of reinforcement Mtx = Mty = ø10-50mm, Mlx = Mly = ø10-125mm.
Based on the results of the
above analysis, the resulting design development drawings consist of
architectural and structural drawings, namely Site plans, plans, foundation
plans, views, sections, sloof laying plans, column and beam laying plans, plate
reinforcement plans and details, portal plans. , detail tabel
column and beam reinforcement.
Keywords: Design development,
Vocational School, Facilities and Infrastructure
Keywords: Design development, Vocational School,
Facilities and Infrastructure