Komik merupakan gambaran yang mempunyai alur dimana suatu cerita tersampaikan oleh gerak tubuh maupun efek visual (Mccloud, 2008). Plastic man bernama asli O’brian dari pembuatan komik Disney (DC). Dia berkarakter sangat jahat. Kejahatan O’brian yakni merampok di pertokoan dengang kelompoknya. Pada saat merampok, mereka diketahui oleh polisi. O’brian dikejar oleh polisi hingga menabrak tangki kecil yang berisikan zat kimia. Seluruh bagian tubuh O’brian terkena zat kimia hingga pingsan. Tidak lama kemudian, seorang biksu menolong O’Brian untuk di bawa ke Kuil guna melindungi O’brian dari kejaran polisi. Di Kuil O’Brian secara tidak sadar menjadi seorang Plastic man. Kemudian Biksu tersebut mengajarkan O’Brian tentang kebaikan sehingga dia menjadi superhero yang baik, humoris, dan penolong. Karakter Plastic man diapropriasi dalam sebuah ide penciptaan seni lukis dengan karakter superhero yang baik, humoris dan penolong. Apropriasi karakter Plastic man difokuskan pada kritik keadan sosial yang berada di Tanjung Tembaga Surabaya. Apropriasi karakter Plasik man pada penciptaan seni lukis ini melalui beberapa tahapan, adapun tahapan tersebut yakni proses Pengamatan, ide penciptaan, penentuan konsep, pembuatan sketsa, eksekusi, lukis dan penyajian karya. Hasil karya ini dapat dijadikan refleksi terhadap masyarakat, perihal kehidupan sosial yang terkait di daerah urban beserta permasalahanya.
Kunci : Apropriasi, Plastic man, sosial
Comics are a picture of a plot in which a story is conveyed by gestures and effects that are inflicted on the creation of painting works, the writer takes the superhero character Plastic man in the creation of painting works. Plastic man, named after O'Brian from the creation of the Disney Comics (DC), has a very evil character, the surprise of O'Brian robbing in the store with his group and in the know by the police, O'Brian pursued crashing into a tiny tank containing chemicals Until it was exposed to the whole body and immediately collapsed, soon there was a monk who helped O'brian to take to the temple to protect from police chase, at the temple O'brian unconsciously became a Plastic man, and the monk Teach O'brian about goodness so that it becomes a good superhero, humorist, and helper. The character of Plastic Man that makes an idea of art creation painting with the aim of good superhero, Humorin and helper, author interested in the humorous character of Plastic man so want to appropriation a good superhero character and helper be Evil and humorous with the intention to represent the artwork of painting that decontractors Plastic man into an idea of painting art expression. Which is focused on the criticism of social, which is somewhere that is Tanjung Copper, Surabaya. With the work that is the reflection of the community for the social life associated with the urban area and the problem.
Keywords: appropriation, Plastic man,