Self efficacy karier berpengaruh terhadap minat, tujuan dan seleksi aktivitas penunjang karier pada siswa. Self efficacy karier juga sangat memengaruhi perencanaan karier pada siswa, sehingga kurangnya self efficacy karier dapat mengakibatkan peserta didik kebingungan dan kesulitan dalam perencanaan karier. Hal ini perlu untuk mendapat bantuan salah satunya dengan media untuk membantu siswa mengembangkan self efficacy karier. Tujuan penelitian ini ialah menghasilkan media berupa booklet self efficacy karier untuk membantu siswa memahami dan mengembangkan self efficacy karier sehingga dapat merencanakan karier sejak awal.
Metode penelitian ini ialah penelitian pengembangan R&D dalam Sugiyono (2017). Penelitian pengembangan merupakan proses yang digunakan untuk menghasilkan suatu produk mulai dari merancang, mengembangkan dan menguji keefektifan produk yang dapat dimanfaatkan sebagai inovasi media dalam bidang pendidikan. Dalam penelitian ini dilakukan sampai tahap ke enam dari sepuluh tahap yaitu sampai uji coba pada kelompok kecil yang menghasilkan produk prototipe dengan alasan keterbatasan waktu, tenaga dan biaya dalam penelitian.
Uji akseptabilitas dilakukan pada ahli materi, media dan calon pengguna (guru BK dan siswa). Hasil uji validasi ahli materi dan calon pengguna (guru BK) memperoleh nilai sebesar 0,68, hasil uji validasi ahli media memperoleh nilai sebesar 0,94, hasil uji validasi calon pengguna dengan nilai 81,66% yang masuk dalam kategori sangat sesuai dan sangat baik. Berdasarkan hasil tersebut dapat diketahui bahwa produk booklet self efficacy karier untuk siswa kelas X Tata Busana SMK Negeri 1 Kasreman memenuhi akseptabilitas. Hasil uji coba dalam kelompok kecil dengan pretest-posttest dengan analisis menggunakan wilcoxon memperoleh hasil Asymp.sig.(2-tailed) bernilai ρ = 0,018 yangmana lebih kecil dari nilai 0,05 sehingga dapat diputuskan bahwa Ha diterima artinya ada perbedaan tingkat self efficacy karier setelah penerapan booklet self efficacy karier. Sehingga dapat disimpulkan media booklet self efficacy karier dapat meningkatkan self efficacy karier siswa.
Kata Kunci: pengembangan, booklet, self efficacy karier.
Career self-efficacy affects the interests, goals, and selection of career support activities in students. Career self-efficacy also greatly affects career planning in students, so the lack of career self-efficacy can result in student confusion and difficulties in career planning. This is necessary to get help one of them with the media to help students develop career self-efficacy. The purpose of this study is to produce media in the form of career self-efficacy booklets to help students understand and develop career self-efficacy so they can plan careers from the start.
This research method is the research and development of R&D in Sugiyono (2017). Development research is a process that is used to produce a product ranging from designing, developing and testing the effectiveness of products that can be utilized as media innovations in the field of education. This study carried out until the sixth stage of the ten stages, namely through trials in small groups that produce prototype products on the grounds of limited time, energy and cost in research.
Acceptability test is carried out on material experts, media and prospective users (BK teachers and students). The results of the validation test of material experts and prospective users (BK teachers) obtained a value of 0.68, the results of the validation test of media experts obtained a value of 0.94, the results of the validation test of prospective users with a value of 81.66% were included in the very appropriate category and very well. Based on these results it can be seen that the career self-efficacy booklet for students of class X Clothing for SMK Negeri 1 Kasreman meets acceptability. The results of trials in small groups with pretest-posttest with analysis using Wilcoxon obtained Asymp.sig results (2-tailed) value ρ = 0.018 which is less than the value of 0.05 so it can be decided that Ha is accepted means that there are differences in the level of career self-efficacy after the application of the career self-efficacy booklet. So it can be concluded that career self-efficacy booklet media can improve students' career self-efficacy.
Keywords: development, booklet, career self-efficacy.