Kurniawan, Edy. 2021. The Effect
of the Flipped Classroom Learning Model on the Learning Outcomes of Semen
Gresik Vocational High School Students in terms of Learning Independence.
Thesis, Technology and Vocational Education Study Program, Postgraduate, State
University of Surabaya. Supervisor: (I) Prof. Dr. H. Supari Muslim, M.Pd. and
(II) Dr. Joko, M.Pd., M.T.
Keywords: learning model, flipped
classroom, independent learning, 21st century skills, learning outcomes.
This study aims
to examine the effect of the Flipped Classroom (FC) learning model on the
learning outcomes of the students of SMK Semen Gresik including learning
outcomes in the affective, cognitive, and psychomotor domains.
The approach
used in this research is a quantitative approach with a quasi-experimental type
of research. The total population in this study was 49 students who were
divided into two research groups. The first study group used the FC learning
model and the second group used the Direct Learning Model (MPL). The research
subjects used were students of class XII of the Electrical Power Installation
Engineering Expertise Program (TIPTL) of SMK Semen Gresik. The subjects used in
the study were Electrical Motor Installation (IML). The research procedure
begins with testing the Learning Independence Level (TKB) of students by using
a learning independence questionnaire. This test aims to map students who have
high TKB and low TKB. Furthermore, all students are given a pretest to measure
the initial ability of students. Furthermore, both groups were given treatment
for five meetings. The experimental group was given treatment using the FC
learning model and the control group using the MPL. After treating students for
five meetings, at the next meeting a post-test was conducted to measure the
ability of students after treatment. The data analysis technique used is
descriptive statistical analysis and inferential statistical analysis using two
way ANOVA.
The results
showed that: (1) students who studied using the FC learning model obtained
significantly higher learning outcomes than students who studied using MPL in
IML subjects at SMK Semen Gresik; (2) students who have a high TKB get
significantly higher learning outcomes than students who have a low TKB in IML
subjects at SMK Semen Gresik; (3) there is a significant effect of the
interaction between learning models and the level of learning independence on
student learning outcomes in IML subjects at SMK Semen Gresik. The implications
of the research results can be applied to learning in vocational schools in an
effort to increase students' learning independence and become a new theory in
the field of learning models.