Critical Thinking in the IPS subject for grade 8th in SMP Negeri 2 Taman
Sidoarjo is still decrease, it shows with the studying result of the student in
their daily exam. That’s why, to increase the critical thinking of the student who
have the affect in the studying result. Need to give the interesting learning
model that has appropriated with the necessary and the character of the
student. For that reason, the learning model that appropriate with it, is the
problem based learning model.
purpose of this research is, to know the affect between the PBL model with the
problem solving ability of the student in order to make the studying result be
increased in IPS subject, especially in Social Interaction for grade 8th in SMP
Negeri 2 Taaman Sidoarjo. The data that used in this research likes an numbers
and statistics analyze. This research use the quantitative model to manage the
data. The research design that used is, Pretest-posttest Control Group Design,
where is, there 2 classes, experimental class and the control class. This
research does in SMP Neger 2 Taman Sidoarjo and the subject is the student in
grade 8th. The data analyze technique that used is, observation analyze and tes
data analyze.
The result of research revelead that the calculation
of the pretest hyothesis test was obtained by Fhitung = 1,35 on
the Ftabel with the numerator dk 3-1= 2 and the denominator 96-3= 93,
while the results of the post-test hypothesis calculation then the Ftabel price obtained Fhitung = 2,2 dk
on the numerator 3-1= 2 and the denominator 96-3= 93, then the price of
the Ftabel = 3,09. Then it can be concluded from the two test results
that it is very clear that there is a significant influence on the Problem
Based Learning model of learning outcomes in class VIII social studies IPS
subject matter Social Interaction.
: The
affect of Problem Based Learning, The Problem Solving Ability, IPS.