Student Team Achievement Division adalah strategi pembelajaran kooperatif yang sangat sederhana, dan pembelajaran kooperatif ini dapat digunakan untuk tenaga pengajar yang baru mulai mengajar menggunakan pembelajaran kooperatif. Hasil validasi untuk soal pretest dan posttest telah didapatkan hasil persentase 95% dan masuk dalam kriteria sangat valid, hasil validasi instrument berupa RPP dan materi mendapat kan hasil 87,7% dan 90,6% masuk ke dalam kriteria sangat valid. Lalu hasil uji paired sample t-test nilai sig. 2 tailed mendapatkan nilai 0,000 yaitu kurang dari 0,05 yang berarti terlihat adanya variasi dari hasil belajar siswa antara pre-test dan post-test. Hal ini menyebabkan pengaruh yang dapat dilihat dari perbedaan variabel terhadap penggunaan metode Student Team Achievement Divison. Dan hasil kemampuan belajar siswa setelah pembelajaran dengan metode Student Team Achievement Division memperoleh nilai dengan rerata 87 dimana sebelum diterapkan metode STAD siswa memperoleh nilai rerata 62 yang berarti setelah metode Student Team Achievement Division diterapkan mendapat hasil efektif dan memiliki respon positif dalam hasil belajar siswa.
Student Team Achievement Division is a very simple cooperative learning strategy , and this cooperative learning can be used for teaching staff who are just starting to teach using cooperative learning. Validation of pretest and posttestt questions has obtained a percentage result of 95% and is included in the very valid criteria, the results of instrument validation in the form of RPP and material get results of 87.7% and 90.6% are includedk e in the criteria are very valid. Then the results of the paired sample t-test sig value. 2 tailed get a score of 0.000 less than 0.05 which means that there is a difference in student learning outcomes between pretest and posttest. This can be seen from the difference in variabel on the use of the Student Team Achievement Divison method. And the results of students' learning ability after learning with metod e Student Team Achievement Division obtained a score with an average of 87 where before applying the STAD method students obtained an average score of 62 which means that after the Student Team Achievement Division method was applied got results are effective and have a positive response instudent learning outcomes.