Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui tingkat antropometri dan kondisi fisik atlet bolavoli akademi Indomaret. Adapun tingkat antropometri yang diukur meliputi tinggi badan (TB), tinggi duduk (TD), rentang lengan (RL), dan berat badan (BB). Kemudian tentang kondisi fisik atlet bolavoli akademi Indomaret yang diukur meliputi kekuatan otot lengan (KOL), kekuatan otot perut (KOP), daya ledak (DL), dan kelincahan (K). Penelitian ini termasuk jenis penelitian kuantitatif dengan menggunakan pendekatan deskriptif. Adapun sampel dalam penelitian ini meliputi 12 atlet bolavoli putra akademi Indomaret. Berdasarkan hasil penelitian dapat dikatakan bahwa nilai rata-rata antropometri atlet bolavoli akademi Indomaret yang meliputi tinggi badan, tinggi duduk, rentang lengan, dan berat badan masing-masing sebesar 181 cm, 99 cm, 189 cm, dan 71 Kg. Kemudian nilai rata-rata kondisi fisik atlet bolavoli akademi Indomaret yang meliputi kekuatan otot lengan, kekuatan otot perut, daya ledak, dan kelincahan masing-masing sebesar 37, 45, 67, dan 10. Kategori kondisi fisik kekuatan otot lengan atlet bolavoli akademi Indomaret adalah 34% kategori sedang, 58% di atas rata-rata, dan 8% baik sekali. Kategori kondisi fisik kekuatan otot perut atlet bolavoli akademi Indomaret adalah 75% kategori baik, dan 25% baik sekali. Kategori kondisi fisik daya ledak atlet bolavoli akademi Indomaret adalah 8% kategori kurang, 25% sedang, 50% baik, dan 17% baik sekali. Kategori kondisi fisik kelincahan atlet bolavoli akademi Indomaret adalah 100% baik sekali. Secara keseluruhan dapat dikatakan bahwa atlet bolavoli akademi Indomaret mempunyai antropometri dan kondisi fisik yang baik, akan tetapi tetap dibutuhkan latihan secara rutin agar dapat memperoleh hasil yang lebih maksimal.
Kata Kunci: Antropometri, kondisi fisik, atlet bolavoli.
Thid study aims to determine the anthropometric level and physical condition of the Indomaret Academy volleyball athletes. The anthropometric levels measured include height (TB), sitting height (TD), arm span (RL), and body weight (BB). Then about the physical condition of the volleyball athletes at the Indomaret Academy which was measured including arm muscle strength (KOL), abdominal muscle strength (KOP), explosive power (DL), and agility (K). This research is a quantitative research using a descriptive approach. The sample in this study included 12 male volleyball athletes at the Indomaret academy. Based on the results of the study, it can be said that the anthropometric average values of the Indomaret Academy volleyball athletes which include height, sitting height, arm span, and body weight are 181 cm, 99 cm, 189 cm, and 71 Kg, respectively. Then the average value of the physical condition of volleyball athletes at the Indomaret Academy which includes arm muscle strength, abdominal muscle strength, explosive power, and agility are 37, 45, 67, and 10 respectively. The categories of physical condition of the arm muscle strength of the Indomaret academy volleyball athlete are 34% are in the medium category, 58% are above average, and 8% are very good. The physical condition category for the abdominal muscle strength of the Indomaret academy volleyball athlete was 75% in the good category, and 25% in excellent. The physical condition categories of the volleyball athletes of the Indomaret academy were 8% in the poor category, 25% moderate, 50% good, and 17% very good. The physical condition category of the Indomaret academy volleyball athlete is 100% excellent. Overall, it can be said that the Indomaret academy volleyball athletes have good anthropometry and physical condition, but they still need regular training in order to get maximum results.
Keyword: Antropometry, physical condition, volleyball athlet.