Anwar, 2020. Implementation of Education Quality Assurance Policies in Senior
High Schools (Case Study in Public Senior High School 1 Mojokerto City and Public
Senior High School 1 Puri Mojokerto Regency). Dissertation, Doctoral Study
Program in Management of Postgraduate Education. Surabaya State University. Promotor:
Prof. Dr. Yatim Riyanto, M.Pd. and Co promotor: Dr. Eni Wuryani, S.E., M.Si. C MA.
Keywords: policy implementation, education quality
High school is one of the education unit levels which
has an important role in building an education quality assurance system to
improve the quality of national education. The purpose of this study was to
analyze education quality assurance policies at the high school (SMA) level in
two different cases, namely Public Senior High School 1 Negeri 1 Mojokerto City and Public Senior High
School 1 1 Puri Mojokerto Regency and how policy implementation was reviewed in
terms of communication, resources, disposition and bureaucratic structure,
inhibiting factors and supporting factors. So finding a recommendation model
for implementing an education quality assurance policy in high school.
The approach used in this research is qualitative with
a multi-case study design. The research sites are Public Senior High School 1
Mojokerto City and Public Senior High School 1 Puri Mojokerto Regency. Data
collection was carried out through 3 instruments namely in-depth interviews,
direct observation in the field and documentation notes. After the research
data was collected, it was continued by conducting in-depth analysis with the
analysis of single case data, namely through condensation, data display and
drawing conclusions in each case. Next, cross-case analysis is carried out to
arrange concepts and meeting points among existing cases. The validity of the
data uses credibility, dependability, confirmability and transferability.
The results of this study indicate that, the first is
the education quality assurance policy in state high schools has been stated in
the vision, mission, goals and tagline of schools that have been integrated in
the program, student coaching that is student organizations and non-academic
activities, school rules for school residents and there code of ethics for
school residents. The second is a communication that is used in order to run
effectively is to pay attention to the transmission in the form of
socialization, clearity. The third is the resources that support human
resources, financial/budgetary resources that support, available facility
resources, complete information resources. The fouth is dispositions/attitudes
of policy actors depend on comprehensive understanding, positive responses,
high commitment from the implementers of policies, and role models. The fifth
is thebureaucratic structures that can support the existence of standard
operational procedures (SOP, fragmentation or division of tasks, coordination. The
sixth is the inhibiting factor is the time management of the policy
implementers and the participation of all school members. The seventh is the supporting
factors possessed are good environmental conditions and school leadership
Based on the results
of research above, to improve the effectiveness of the implementation of
education quality assurance at the high school level, it is necessary to make
academic texts in accordance with the characteristics of each school, the
implementation of education quality assurance policies and its implementation
is carried out wholeheartedly. This will clarify the direction in communicating
education quality assurance in practice. Optimization of school resources such
as human resources for teachers and education staff, finance, infrastructure,
and information must also be carried out. The attitude of policy makers must be
held on the basis of the demonstrated commitment and example. Schools are
required to make SOPs and the distribution of tasks to each policy implementer
clearly. This will optimize the support of conducive environmental conditions.
Finally is the leadership of a visionary school principal so that the
implementation of the quality assurance policy can run optimally.