Penelitian ini, berfokus pada motivasi yang mendorong peserta didik SMAN 2 Jombang mengikuti ekstrakurikuler keroncong dan apresiasi anggota ekstrakurikuler keroncong di SMAN 2 Jombang terhadap musik keroncong. Motivasi yang dimaksud adalah daya pendorong peserta didik SMAN 2 Jombang mengikuti ekstrakurikuler keroncong yang didasari oleh kemauan secara intrinsik dan ekstrinsik. Sedangkan apresiasi yang dimaksud adalah anggota ekstrakurikuler keroncong SMAN 2 Jombang dapat memahami, menghayati dan menghargai musik keroncong. Untuk merumuskan pembahasan tersebut, dibutuhkan landasan kajian tentang unsur pembentuk musik yang terdiri dari irama, melodi, harmoni, bentuk atau unsur lagu yang dijadikan sebagai cara penilaian apresiasi tahap pemahaman dan penilaian anggota ekstrakurikuler. Kemudian juga diuji melalui pemahaman dan penilaian jenis musik keroncong, yang memiliki bentuk keroncong asli, langgam, stambul dan lagu ekstra. Adapun setelah rumusan pembahasan terbentuk berdasarkan tinjauan pustaka tersebut, dibutuhkan metode penelitian untuk menganalisis dan mendeskripsikan rumusan masalah yang telah ditetapkan. Metode tersebut, berlandaskan pada penelitian kualitatif deskriptif analitis, yaitu mendeskripsikan hasil penelitian berdasarkan proses pengumpulan data melalui wawancara, observasi dan pengumpulan dokumen. Melalui tahapan proses penelitian tersebut, menuai hasil penelitian tentang: (1) motivasi mengikuti ekstrakurikuler keroncong, (2) pemahaman terhadap musik keroncong, (3) penilaian terhadap musik keroncong, (4) penghargaan terhadap musik keroncong.
This research focuses on the motivation that drives students of SMAN 2 Jombang participate in keroncong extracurricular activities and appreciate keroncong extracurricular members at SMAN 2 Jombang for keroncong music. The motivation in question is the driving force for students of SMAN 2 Jombang to take part in keroncong extracurricular activities based on intrinsic and extrinsic willingness. While the appreciation in question is that the keroncong extracurricular members of SMAN 2 Jombang can understand, appreciate and appreciate keroncong music. To formulate this discussion, a basic study of the building blocks of music consisting of rhythm, melody, harmony, form or song elements is needed which is used as a way of assessing the appreciation of the understanding and appreciation stage of extracurricular members. Then also tested through understanding and appreciating the type of keroncong music, which has the original keroncong form, style, stambul and extra songs. As after the discussion formulation is formed based on the literature review, a research method is needed to analyze and describe the formulation of the problems that have been determined. This method, based on qualitative descriptive analytical research, describes the results of the research based on the data collection process through interviews, observation and document collection. Through these stages of the research process, research results are reaped on: (1) motivation to follow keroncong extracurricular activities, (2) understanding keroncong music, (3) appreciation of keroncong music, (4) appreciation of keroncong music.