Small sided games merupakan permainan dalam sepakbola yang peraturan dan lapangan dapat disesuaikan dengan kondisi yang ada. Hal ini dapat dimanfaatkan dalam pembelajaran dalam mata pelajaran PJOK dan untuk meningkatkan motivasi siswa putri karena sepakbola termasuk dalam materi wajib di PJOK mulai dari sekolah dasar hingga sekolah menengah akhir. Small Sided Games merupakan permainan yang didesain khusus untuk sepakbola yang mana di dalamnya siswa dituntut berhadapan dengan situasi yang hampir sama dengan permainan sebenarnya, siswa diharapkan dapat mengambil keputusan dengan cepat dan tepat sehingga diharapkan mampu meningkatkan keterampilan siswa dalam dribbling sepakbola karena dribbling merupakan salah satu teknik awal dalam sepakbola.Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui pengaruh penerapan small sided games pada pembelajaran sepakbola materi dribbling dan motivasi siswa putri mengikuti pembelajaran sepakbola. Metode penelitian menggunakan penelitian eksperimen dengan desain pra eksperimen one group pretest-posttest design.Data yang diperoleh nilai rata-rata pengetahuan saat pretest sebesar 72,23 dan posttest sebesar 91,47 dengan selisih antara pretest-posttest sebesar 19,24 mengalami peningatan sebanyak 26,63%. Ranah keterampilan nilai rata-rata keterampilan saat pretest sebesar 41,47 dan postetest sebesar 47,29 dengan selisih antara pretest-posttest sebesar 5,82 mengalami peningkatan sebanyak meningkat sebanyak 14,03%. Ranah motivasi nilai rata-rata motivasi saat pretest sebesar 148,76 dan saat posttest 152,88 dengan selisih antara pretest-posttest sebesar 4,12 mengalami peningkatan sebanyak 2,76%. Dapat diketahui bahwa dalam variabel hasil belajar maupun motivasi terdapat peningkatan pengaruh dari pretest dan posttest dalam pembelajaran penerapan small sided games.
Kata kunci: Small Sided Games , Sepakbola, Dribbling
Small sided games are games in football that the rules and the fields can be adapted from the existing condition. This can be utilized in the learning of PJOK lesson because football is included in the mandatory material in the PJOK, from elementary school to high school. Small Sided Games are games specifically designed for football in which, students are required to face situations similar to actual games, students are expected to make decisions quickly and precisely so that they are expected to be able to improve students' skills in football dribbling because dribbling is one of the earliest techniques in football. This study aims to determine the effect of the application of small sided games on football learning on dribbling material and the motivation of female students to take part in soccer learning. The research method used experimental research with a pre-experimental design of one group pretest-posttest design.The data obtained by the average value of knowledge at pretest was 72.23 and the posttest was 91.47 with the difference between the pretest-posttest of 19.24 as much as 26.63%. The skill area of the average score of the skills at pretest was 41.47 and postetest was 47.29 with the difference between the pretest-posttest of 5.82 increasing as much as 14.03%. The motivation domain of the average value of pretest motivation is 148.76 and when the posttest 152.88 with the difference between the pretest-posttest of 4.12 has increased by 2.76%. It can be seen that in the variable learning outcomes and motivation there is an increase in the influence of the pretest and posttest in learning the application of small sided games.
Keywords: Small Sided Games , Football, Dribbling