2024. Development of Science Learning Tools Using a Guided Inquiry Model Based
on Audio-Visual Animation Media to Improve Critical Thinking Skills of High
School Students. Thesis. Science Education Masters Study Program, FMIPA,
Surabaya State University. Supervisor: (1) Prof. Budi Jatmiko, M. Pd, and (2)
Dr. Binar Kurnia Prahani, M. Pd.
Keywords : Guided Inquiry, Critical
Thinking Skills, Learning Tools, Audio-Visual.
aim of this research is to produce a science learning tool with a guided
inquiry model based on audio-visual animation media that is suitable for
supporting science learning on alternative energy material to improve the
critical thinking skills of high school students in terms of validity,
practicality, and effectiveness. This research uses a 4D model. The trial
design used was a one group pre-test post-test design. Data collection was
carried out using validation, observation, tests, and questionnaires using two
schools, each in three research classes. Data analysis techniques use
percentage of agreement, Independent T test, paired T test, N-gain calculation,
and Mann Whitney test. The research results show that the guided inquiry model
learning tool based on audio-visual animation media is suitable for use to
improve students' critical thinking skills. Valid in terms of the validity of
the teaching module is 97% in the very valid category, the validity of the LKPD
is 95% in the very valid category, and the validity of the critical thinking
skills test is 97% in the very valid category. Practically, in terms of the
implementation assessment, it was 97% in the well implemented category and
student activity was 93% in the very good category. Effective in terms of
student responses at both research schools, each of the three research classes
gave positive responses to science learning with a guided inquiry model based
on audio-visual animation media, obstacles in learning, and critical thinking
skills tests: [1] there was an increase in thinking skills critical statistical
significance at alpha 5%; [2] the average N-gain is 0.64 in the medium
category; [3] The average N-gain is not different in the three classes in the
two schools. Therefore, science learning tools with a guided inquiry model
based on audio-visual animation media can be declared valid, practical and
effective. In this way, extensive research can be carried out on other science
materials and can be repeated for larger samples, because it has been proven to
improve students' critical thinking skills.