Demezt F, Yosef, 2019. The Effect
of Cooperative Type of Group Investigation Learning Model on Students Learning
Activities and Outcomes in Science for 8th Class
in Kota Komba, East Manggarai. Educational Technology Department, Postgraduate
Program, State University of Surabaya. Advisor (I) Prof. Dr. Siti Masitoh,
M.Pd, and Advisor (II) Dr. Andi Mariono, M.Pd.
Keywords: Group
Investigation Learning, Learning Activities, Learning Outcomes.
This study aims to determine: (1) The effect of cooperative group investigation learning
model on students learning activities in science for 8th Class students in Kota
Komba, East Manggarai (2) The effect of cooperative group investigation
learning model on students learning outcomes in science for 8th Class students
in Kota Komba, East Manggarai.
This research is a quantitative,
using a quasi-experiment method. The variables of this research are: the independent variable that
is the cooperative group investigation learning model ; and
the dependent variable, consist of the students learning activities and the
outcomes. The technique in collecting data is using observation sheets for students learning activities and
test questions for students learning outcomes. The sample of this research applies on 88
students in 8th Class of Junior High School
(SMP) during the 2018 - 2019 academic years in Kota Komba, East of Manggarai. This research is carried out in four groups, namely: (1) 8th Class of SMP
Satap Pedak, is as a control group; (2) 8th Class of SMPN 8 is as a control
group; (3) 8th Class of SMP Pancasila Mukun, is as an experimental group; (4)
8th Class of SMPN 3 is as an experimental group. Hypothesis testing is
using analysis of variance (ANOVA) with the aid of SPSS 22.
The result of the analysis concludes that: (1) c ooperative group investigation learning model gives a significant effect on student s learning activities , it is shown in the value of F 10.579 > 0,000 with the degree of sig on 0.05 (5%). (2) c ooperative group investigation learning model also gives a significant effect on student s learning outcomes , it is represented in the value of F 19.696> 0,000 with the degree if sig on 0.05 (5%).