Komunikasi adalah bentuk interaksi manusia yang saling mempengaruhi satu sama lain, sengaja atau tidak disengaja dan tidak terbatas pada bentuk komunikasi verbal, tetapi juga dalam hal ekspresi muka, lukisan, seni dan teknologi. Iklan adalah salah satu bentuk komunikasi yang secara tidak langsung yang paling sering di temui dalam kehidupan sehari-hari dan secara tidak sadar banyak orang yang terpengaruh persuasi iklan.
Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk menguji keutuhan struktur wacana iklan SUNTORY yang terdapat dalam aplikasi komunikasi LINE, model fungsi wacana iklan dalam aplikasi komunikasi LINE, serta bagaimanakah penggunaan piranti kohesi pada wacana iklan SUNTORY dalam aplikasi komunikasi LINE. Analisis ini dilakukan dengan teknik analisis data deskriptif kualitatif.
Penelitian menggunakan teori Rachmat Kriyantono (2013) dimana data berupa wacana iklan yang terdapat dalam aplikasi komunikasi LINE milik SUNTORY menurut tujuan periklanan dapat dirumuskan pada tiga kategori. Pada rumusan masalah berikutnya digunakan Teori milik Bolen (2006) untuk menganalisis struktur wacana dengan data berupa wacana iklan yang terdapat dalam aplikasi komunikasi LINE milik SUNTORY yang dijabarkan dan dibagi berdasarkan strukturnya apakah lengkap atau tidak. Sedangkan teori Tarigan (1987) digunakan untuk menganalisis apakah wacana iklan dalam aplikasi komunikasi LINE milik SUNTORY ini dikatakan memenuhi syarat kepaduan atau kohesi jika hubungan antara kalimat yang satu dengan kalimat yang lain. Datanya kemudian dikelompokkan dan dimasukan kedalam tabel untuk memudahkan penarikan kesimpulan .
Communication is a form of human interaction that affect each other whether it was on purpose or not and it is not limited in verbal communication but also in facial expression, paint, art and technology. Commercial is one of communication form in which is, indirectly, the most frequently encountered in everyday life and unconsciously many people are affected by advertisement persuasion.
This study aims to study the integrity of the discourse structure of SUNTORY advertising contained in the LINE communication application, the function model of advertising discourse in the LINE communication application, and the use of cohesion tools on the SUNTORY advertising discourse in the LINE communication application. This analysis is carried out with qualitative descriptive data analysis technique.
This study is using a theory approach from Rachmat Kriyantono (2013) in which the data is SUNTORY’s advertisement contained in LINE communication application according to the aim of the advertisement can be formulated into three categories. Theory from Bolen (2006) is used to analyse the next problem which is to analyze the discourse structure with the data in the form of advertising the discourse contained in SUNTORY's LINE communication application which is described and divided based on its structure whether it is complete or not. Whereas Tarigan’s theory (1987) is used to analyse whether the sentences contained in SUNTORY’s advertisement in LINE communication application can be called cohesive if connected with other sentences. The data then grouped and put in the table in order to help to draw the conclusion.
The result of this study shows that SUNTORY advertising discourse in the LINE communication application contains a complete structure model. The advertisement contains three discourse structure, that is (1) main item, (2) body, (3) closing. The function of advertisement that can be found in SUNTORY’s advertisement in LINE communication application according to advertising goals can be formulated in three broad categories, namely (1) providing information (2) persuasive goals (3) goals of reminding and strengthening. And the use of cohesion tools that can be found in SUNTORY advertising discourse is in the form of a marker of discourse cohesion that is implicitly shown by the problems being cohesive and coherent, while the markers of explicit cohesion are carried out by presenting certain words or phrases as links between sentences in the LINE communication application.