Pergeseran Relasi Gender Dalam Keluarga Terdampak Pasca Covid-19 di Desa Mulung Kabupaten Gresik
Gender Relationship Shift in Families Affected by Covid-19 in Mulung Village, Gresik
Pada dasarnya manusia memiliki kebebasan atas dirinya dan pilihannya sendiri. Sejarah dan budaya telah mengatur perempuan beserta tindakannya hanya terbatas pada lingkup domestik dalam pemahaman patriarki dan gender yang turun temurun. Pandemi covid-19 mendorong perubahan tatanan dalam keluarga karena terganggunya sumber pemasukan utama keluarga yang mengakibatkan istri harus ikut terlibat bekerja menjadi agen ekonomi keluarga seperti menjadi buruh pabrik, berdagang, dan sebagainya demi menangani persoalan ekonomi. Keterlibatan istri tentu menambah beban pekerjaan di lingkup domestik dan non-domestik. Tujuan dari penelitian ini mengidentifikasi pergeseran aktivitas suami istri pasca covid-19. Penelitian bersifat kualitatif dengan perspektif Feminisme Marxis Mars Engels. Lokasi penelitian berada di Desa Mulung, Gresik dengan subjek penelitian istri dari keluarga terdampak yang mengalami pergeseran peran. Pengambilan data melalui teknik wawancara sebagai sumber data primer. Analisis yang digunakan dalam mengolah data menggunakan penganalisisan gender model Hardvard guna melihat pembagian peran dan pemetaan investasi secara ekonomi antara suami istri dalam relasi dan aktivitasnya pasca covid-19. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa relasi gender dalam keluarga masyarakat suburban pasca pandemi belum menunjukkan keadilan dalam keluarga, masih terlihat eksploitasi beban pekerjaan pada istri karena masih terikat oleh pemahaman kuat budaya patriarki dan gender. Meskipun begitu, keterlibatan istri bekerja berhasil mematahkan streotipe mengenai perempuan yang dianggap lemah dan bergantung menjadi sosok yang kuat, dapat memimpin serta bertindak multitasking. Perubahan pada kondisi alam dan sosial turut memunculkan budaya dan sistem baru di dalam keluarga yaitu matriarki, kekuasaan berada di pihak perempuan. Demi mencapai kesimbangan keluarga masih perlu adanya dukungan dan kesadaran dari perempuan dan laki-laki untuk melakukan pembagian peran yang adil dan seimbang.
Kata Kunci: Pergeseran, Relasi Gender, Keluarga, Pasca covid-19, Feminisme Marxis.
Basically, humans have freedom over themselves and their own choices. History and culture have regulated women and their actions only limited to the domestic sphere in the understanding of patriarchy and gender that has been passed down from generation to generation. The Covid-19 pandemic has encouraged changes in the family order due to the disruption of the family's main source of income, which has resulted in wives having to be involved in working as family economic agents such as factory laborers, trading, and so on in order to deal with economic problems. The wife's involvement certainly increases the workload in the domestic and non-domestic spheres. The purpose of this study is to identify the shift in husband and wife activities after Covid-19. The research is qualitative with the perspective of Marxist Feminism of Mars Engels. The research location is in Mulung Village, Gresik with the research subject being the wife of an affected family who has experienced a role shift. Data collection through interview techniques as a primary data source. The analysis used in processing data uses the Hardvard model of gender analysis to see the division of roles and the mapping of economic investment between husband and wife in their relationships and activities after Covid-19. The results showed that gender relations in the families of postpandemic suburban communities have not shown justice in the family, still visible exploitation of the workload on wives because they are still bound by a strong understanding of patriarchal culture and gender. Even so, the involvement of working wives has succeeded in breaking the streotype of women who are considered weak and dependent to become strong figures, able to lead and act multitasking. Changes in natural and social conditions also gave rise to a new culture and system in the family, namely matriarchy, where power is on the side of women. In order to achieve family balance, there still needs to be support and awareness from women and men to carry out a fair and balanced division of roles
Keywords: Shift, Gender Relation, Family, Post-covid-19, Marxist Feminism.