According to data from the Gresik Regency Tourism and Culture Office, it is recorded that Gresik Regency has 131 tourist attractions and 13 tourist villages. One of them is Hendrosari Village with a tourist attraction, namely the Lontar Sewu Edu tourist attraction. According to data comparing the number of tourist visits to the Lontar Sewu Edu tourist attraction with several tourist attractions in Gresik Regency from 2020 to 2022, a large gap in the number of tourist visits was found. Tourist satisfaction is a key factor for tourists to make repeat visits to tourist attractions. The success of tourism management that is easily observed is the increase in the number of tourist visits. So unique characteristics and tourist attractions are needed to encourage tourists to visit tourist attractions. This research aims to analyze the influence of attractiveness on tourist satisfaction at the Lontar Sewu Edu tourist attraction, Hendrosari Village, Menganti District, Gresik Regency.
This research uses descriptive research with a quantitative approach. The research population consisted of all tourists who visited the Lontar Sewu Edu tourist attraction. The research sample is part of the population and is calculated using the Slovin calculation technique so that 100 samples / respondents are obtained. The sampling technique that will be used by researchers is accidental sampling, namely random sampling, and carried out suddenly to visitors at Edu Wisata Lontar Sewu at the time the research took place. Data on the situation and condition of tourist objects was obtained by observation, namely researchers went directly to the field. Data that includes information about attractions that are thought to influence tourist satisfaction was collected using a structured questionnaire that was filled in by respondents. Data analysis was carried out using multiple regression tests to identify indicators of tourist attraction that are related to tourist satisfaction with the help of SPSS version 20.
The results of research using multiple regression tests show the influence both partially and simultaneously on each variable, namely attractions, accessibility, amenities/facilities on tourist satisfaction. The simultaneous results are that each variable has an influence of 90.5% on tourist satisfaction and 9.5% is influenced by other variables. Meanwhile, partial results show that each variable has an influence on tourist satisfaction with the biggest influence being the amenities variable. The conclusion in this research is that each variable, namely attractions, accessibility, amenities/facilities together (simultaneously) influences tourist satisfaction with a percentage of 90.5%. Each variable in this research has an influence on tourist satisfaction. The percentage with a large and positive influence apparently has no effect on tourist satisfaction, this is because the number of tourist visits to the Lontar Sewu Edutourism object is relatively small.
Keywords : Attraction, Tourist Satisfaction, Lontar Sewu tourism education