Evaluasi Pengembangan Taman Wisata Lembah Djati (Studi Kasus Desa Ngepeh Kecamatan Loceret Kabupaten Nganjuk Jawa Timur)
Evaluation of the Development of Djati Valley Tourism Park (Case Study of Ngepeh Village, Loceret District, Nganjuk Regency, East Java)
Pengembangan wisata yang semakin pesat telah menciptakan berbagai jenis pariwisata dan ragam pilihan bagi para wisatawan. Ragam pilihan tersebut dibentuk berdasarkan peluang potensi yang dimiliki oleh kawasan wisata. Taman Wisata Lembah Djati termasuk salah satu potensi wisata yang berlatar alam lereng Pegunungan Wilis tepatnya di Desa Ngepeh Kecamatan Loceret Kabupaten Nganjuk Provinsi Jawa Timur. Namun taman wisata lembah jati ini mengalami penurunan jumlah pengunjung. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui apa saja yang menjadi potensi daya tarik wisata Taman Wisata Lembah Djati dan untuk mengevaluasi tahap pengembangan Taman Wisata Lembah Djati.
Penelitian ini menggunakan pendekatan studi kasus. Pertimbangan pemilihan narasumber didasarkan atas keterlibatan aktif narasumber selama masa pengembangan, lamanya narasumber dalam pengelolaan lokasi wisata Lembah jati, serta kesediaan narasumber dalam proses pengumpulan data dalam penelitian. Narasumber terdiri dari pengelola, asisten pengelola, staf kolam renang/ticketing, staf bagian pemeliharaan taman dan kasir serta waiter. Teknik pengumpulan data dengan cara wawancara, observasi, dokumentasi dan studi pustaka.
Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa Taman Wisata Lembah jati memiliki potensi daya tarik wisata yang dapat dikategorikan menjadi 4A (Attraction, Accessibility, Activity,dan Amenities,). Adapun evaluasi terhadap 4A (Attraction, Accessibility, Activity,dan Amenities,) ini Taman Wisata Lembah jati ada pada tahap stagnasi menurut siklus hidup wisata yang disampaikan oleh Butler. Kata kunci: Taman Wisata Lembah Djati, pariwisata, siklus hidup pariwisata.
The rapid development of tourism has created various types of tourism and a variety of choices for tourists. The variety of choices is formed based on the potential opportunities possessed by the tourist area. Djati Valley Tourism Park is one of the tourism potentials with a natural background on the slopes of the Wilis Mountains, precisely in Ngepeh Village, Loceret District, Nganjuk Regency, East Java Province. However, this teak valley tourist park has experienced a decrease in the number of visitors. This research aims to find out what is the potential tourist attraction of the Djati Valley Tourism Park and to evaluate the development stage of the Djati Valley Tourism Park.
This research uses a case study approach. Consideration of the selection of sources is based on the active involvement of the source during the development period, the length of time the source is in the management of the Lembah Djati tourist site, and the willingness of the source in the data collection process in the research. The resource persons consisted of managers, assistant managers, swimming pool/ticketing staff, park maintenance staff and cashiers and waiters. Data collection techniques by means of interviews, observation, documentation and literature study.
The results showed that the Djati Valley Tourism Park has the potential of tourist attractions that can be categorised into 4A (Attraction, Accessibility, Activity, and Amenities,). As for the evaluation of the 4A (Attraction, Accessibility, Activity, and Amenities,) this Djati Valley Tourism Park is in the stagnation stage according to the tourism life cycle presented by Butler. Keywords: Lembah Djati Tourism Park, tourism development, tourism life cycle.