Teknologi daur ulang merupakan salah satu alternative pemecahan karena efektif dan efisien. Galian Perkerasan Beraspal mencakup galian pada perkerasan beraspal lama dan pembuangan bahan perkerasan beraspal dengan maupun tanpa Cold Milling Machine (mesin pengupas perkerasan beraspal tanpa pemanasan). Rumusan masalah penelitian ini adalah (1) mengetahui mengetahui nilai kadar aspal optimum pada campuran aspal beton AC-WC (Asphalt Concrete – Wearing Course) dan campuran Aspal 60/70 dengan Aspal Daur Ulang (ADU) dan aspal alam. (2) mengetahui kinerja campuran aspal beton AC-WC (Asphalt Concrete – Wearing Course) dan campuran aspal 60/70 dengan Aspal Daur Ulang (ADU) dan aspal alam yang ditinjau dari karateristik marshall.
Metode Penelitian ini merupakan eksperimen yang menguji komparisasi antara Asbuton dan Aspal AC-WC pen 60/70 yang diharapkan mampu memberikan alternatif/solusi dalam penggunaan material Asbuton pada kontruksi perkerasan jalan.terhadap karakteristik marshall menggunakan alat marshall test. Tempat Penelitian ini dilakukan di Laboratorium AMP PT. Merak Indo Mix Jl. Krikilan Driyorejo, Gresik.
Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa nilai Kadar Aspal Optimum (KAO) pada campuran beraspal panas AC-WC+RAP+LGA+BGA adalah 5% menunjukkan bahwa campuran Asbuton dapat mengurangi penggunaan Aspal Emulsi karena KAO pada campuran Asbuton terletak pada persentase yang lebih besar dibanding dengan campuran beraspal panas AC-WC+RAP yang memiliki Kadar Aspal Optimum (KAO) adalah 4%. Kesimpulan penelitian ini adalah hasil pengujian di laboratorium, campuran beraspal panas Asbuton Lawele Granular Asphalt (LGA) dan Buton Granular Asphalt (BGA) memiliki karakteristik stabilitas Marshall 1717,4 kg. Hal ini lebih tinggi dibanding campuran beraspal panas Reclaimed Asphalt Pavement (RAP) yang memiliki stabilitas Marshall 1208,64 kg. Dengan perbedaan presentase sebesar 508,76 kg, penambahan LGA dan BGA secara bersamaan mampu mengurangi penggunaan aspal cair pada saat Hotmix dan dibandingkan dengan penambahan RAP.
Kata Kunci : Lapis Aspal Beton, Kadar Aspal Optimal, Karakteristik Marshall
Recycling technology is the one of alternative solutions because it is effective and efficient. Road Pavement excavations include old pavements and dumps of paved with or without Cold Milling Machine (Paved pavement machine without heated). The problems of this research are (1) find out the optimum value of asphalt content in the mixture of AC-WC (Asphalt Concrete - Wearing Course) and mixture of Asphalt 60/70 with Recycled Asphalt (RA) and natural asphalt. (2) find out the performance of the mixture of AC-WC Asphalt (Asphalt Concrete - Wearing Course) and the mixture of 60/70 asphalt with Recycled Asphalt (RA) and natural asphalt in terms of Marshall characteristics.
This research method is an experiment that tests the comparison between Asbuton and Asphalt AC-WC pen 60/70 which are expected to be able to give alternative / solution in the use of Asbuton on road pavement construction. Regarding the characteristics of Marshall using Marshall test tools. The Place of this research was at AMP PT. Merak Indo Mix Laboratory at Krikilan Driyorejo street, Gresik.
The results showed that the optimum asphalt level in the hot asphalt mixture AC-WC + RAP + LGA + BGA was 5% indicated that the mixture of Asbuton can reduce the use of Asphalt Emulsion because KAO in the Asbuton mixture is located at a greater percentage than the mixture hot paved AC-WC + RAP which has Optimum Asphalt Level (KAO) is 4%. The conclusion of this study is the results of laboratory testing, hot asphalt mixture of Asbuton Lawele Granular Asphalt (LGA) and Buton Granular Asphalt (BGA) has Marshall stability characteristics of 1717.4 kg. This is higher than the hot asphalt reclaimed asphalt Pavement (RAP) mixture which has Marshall stability of 1208.64 kg. With a percentage difference of 508.76 kg, the addition of LGA and BGA simultaneously reduced the use of liquid asphalt at the time of Hotmix and compared with the addition of RAP.
Keywords: Concrete Asphalt Layer, Optimal Asphalt Level, Marshall Characteristics