Sektor transportasi merupakan pengguna Bahan Bakar Minyak (BBM) terbesar sekitar 82,9%. Untuk mengatasi hal tersebut diperlukan sumber bahan bakar alternatif yang dapat diperbaharui dan ramah lingkungan. Tujuan penelitian ini untuk mengetahui karakteristik bioetanol dari limbah brem. Penelitian ini menggunakan metode eksperimen. Dengan bahan baku limbah brem 250 gram, volume air 1500 ml, ragi 10 gram, fermentasi 5 hari, dan variasi mesh zeolit (70, 80, dan 90). Variabel bebas dalam penelitian ini batu zeolit mesh 70, 80, dan 90, variabel terikat prosentase kadar ethanol, dan variabel kontrol limbah brem, adsorben batu zeolit, sakarifikasi pada suhu 100°C, perbandingan limbah brem dengan air 1:6, fermentasi selama 5 hari pada suhu ruangan, distilasi pada suhu 78°C, dan pemanasan batu zeolit pada suhu 140°C selama 30 menit. Pembuatan bioetanol dimulai dari menyiapkan bahan baku limbah brem, sakarifikasi limbah brem dengan air, fermentasi dengan ragi dan urea, dan distilasi dengan suhu 78°C. Proses distilasi ini dilakukan dengan variasi ukuran mesh batu zeolit (70, 80, dan 90). Setelah memperoleh kadar etanol terbaik, dilakukan pengujian karakteristik bioetanol mengacu standar ASTM (kadar etanol ASTM D5501, kadar metanol ASTM D5501, Densitas ASTM D1298, kadar air ASTM D1744, kadar tembaga ASTM D1688, keasaman sebagai asam asetat ASTM D1613, tampakan, kadar ion klorida ASTM D1613, kadar belerang ASTM D2662, kadar getah ASTM D381, nilai kalor ASTM D240, titik nyala ASTM D93, titik tuang ASTM D1177, densitas ASTM D1298, dan viskositas ASTM D445). Hasil penelitian ini menunjukkan bahwa dengan ukuran mesh 70 dapat meningkatkan kadar etanol hingga melebihi standar. Hasil pengujian karateristik bioetanol limbah brem dengan kadar 99,62% bioetanol, 0,31% metanol, 0,36% air, 6,15% denaturan benzoat, 0,03 mg/l tembaga, 11,50 mg/l keasaman sebagai asam asetat, tampakan jernih tak berwarna, 3,55 mg/l ion klorida, 21,4 mg/l belerang, 1,10 mg/100ml kadar getah, titik nyala 20,90°C, titik tuang -38,50°C, nilai kalor 6395,50 kkal/kg, densitas 0,796 g/cm3, viskositas 1,16 CP. Terdapat 1 karakteristik yang sedikit melebihi standar yaitu densitas. Dan karakteristik lainnya telah memenuhi standar Keputusan Direktorat Jenderal EBTKE Nomor 722K/10/DJE/2013.
Kata kunci: Limbah brem, sakarifikasi, fermentasi, distilasi, zeolit.
The transportation sector is the largest user of fuel oil (BBM) at around 82.9%. To overcome this, an alternative, renewable and environmentally friendly fuel source is needed. The purpose of this study was to determine the characteristics of bioethanol from brem waste. This research is using experimental method. With raw materials of 250 grams of brem waste, 1500 ml of water volume, 10 grams of yeast, 5 days of fermentation, and zeolite mesh variations (70, 80, and 90). The independent variable in this study was zeolite mesh 70, 80, and 90, the dependent variable was the percentage of ethanol content, and the control variable was brem waste, zeolite adsorbent, saccharification at 100°C, ratio of brem waste to water 1:6, fermentation for 5 day at room temperature, distillation at 78°C, and heating zeolite at 140°C for 30 minutes. The manufacture of bioethanol starts with preparing raw materials for brem waste, saccharification of brem waste with water, fermentation with yeast and urea, and distillation at 78°C. This distillation process is carried out by varying the size of the zeolite mesh (70, 80, and 90). After obtaining the best ethanol content, bioethanol characteristics were tested according to ASTM standards (ASTM D5501 ethanol content, ASTM D5501 methanol content, ASTM D1298 density, ASTM D1744 moisture content, ASTM D1688 copper content, acidity as ASTM D1613 acetic acid, appearance, chloride ion content ASTM D1613, ASTM D2662 sulfur content, ASTM D381 gum content, ASTM D240 calorific value, ASTM D93 flash point, ASTM D1177 pour point, ASTM D1298 density, and ASTM D445 viscosity). The results of this study indicate that a mesh size of 70 can increase the ethanol content to exceed the standard. The results of testing the bioethanol characteristics of brem waste with levels of 99.62% bioethanol, 0.31% methanol, 0.36% water, 6.15% with benzoate, 0.03 mg/l copper, 11.50 mg/l acidity as acid acetate, clear colorless appearance, 3.55 mg/l chloride ion, 21.4 mg/l sulfur, 1,10 mg/100ml gum content, flash point 20.90°C, pour point -38.50°C, calorific value 6395.50 kcal/kg, density 0.796 g/cm3, viscosity 1.16 CP. There is 1 characteristic that slightly exceeds the standard, namely density. And other characteristics have met the standards of the Decree of the Directorate General of EBTKE Number 722K/10/DJE/2013.
Key words: Brem waste, saccharification, fermentation, distillation, zeolite.