Online Report Website Utilization Evaluation Using WEBUSE Method (Case Study: Primary School in Bubutan Surabaya District)
Perkembangan teknologi dari zaman ke zaman sangatlah pesat perkembangannya. Hal tersebut berpengaruh terhadap berbagai sektor mulai dari sektor ekonomi, pemerintah, kesehatan, dan sebagainya. Salah satu pengaruhnya yaitu dalam bidang pendidikan. Penerapan perkembangan teknologi pada bidang pendidikan di Indonesia contohnya yaitu rapor online. Rapor online adalah suatu website untuk mempermudah guru dalam mencatat nilai rapor peserta dilakukan secara online. Namun didalam rapor online dalam penggunannya terdapat beberapa masalah. Tujuan penelitian ini adalah mengevaluasi rapor online dari segi kegunaan dengan menggunakan metode Website Usability Evaluation (WEBUSE) dan membuat rekomendasi solusi dari permasalahan usability. Pengumpulan data dilakukan dengan menyebarkan kuesioner kepada guru SD se-kecamatan Bubutan Surabaya sebanyak 80 responden. Berdasarkan hasil evaluasi usability menggunakan metode WEBUSE didapatlah point WEBUSE sebesar 0,66 yang masuk dalam level usability yang “baik”, namun masih terdapat kekurangan yaitu dari segi Performance and Effectiviness yang memiliki waktu tunggu yang lama saat pengguna membuka rapor online.
Kata kunci : evaluasi, usability, website, rapor online, metode WEBUSE
Technology development from age to age very rapid progress. This influence on various sectors ranging from the economic sector, the government, health, and so on. One of its influence in education. The application of technological development in the basic education in Indonesia for example the online report. An online report card is a website to make it easier for teachers to record student report cards that are done online. However, there are several problems in the use of the online report card. The Website Usability Evaluation (WEBUSE) method in this study is used to evaluate the online report card website in terms of usability, after which recommendation solutions are made from existing usability problems. After the data was collected, it was obtained from distributing questionnaires to 80 respondents who were elementary school teachers in Bubutan Surabaya sub-district. So the results of usability evaluation with the WEBUSE method obtained a point of 0.66 which is a "good" level of usability, but there are still deficiencies, namely in terms of Performance and Effectiveness, which has a long waiting time when users open online report cards.
Keywords : evaluation, usability, website, online report cards, WEBUSE method.