Penelitian ini menelaah tentang bentuk tindak tutur ilokusi direktif, fungsi tindak tutur ilokusi direktif, dan faktor pembentuk tindak tutur ilokusi direktifnya dalam film The Soong Sister karya Raymond Chow. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk menentukan dan menggolongkan bentuk, fungsi, dan faktor pembentuk tuturan ilokusi direktif dalam film The Soong Sister berdasarkan teori Ibrahim dan Leech.
Metode yang digunakan dalam penelitian ini adalah metode penelitian deskriptif dengan pendekatan kualitatif. Sumber data diperoleh dari film The Soong Sister dan data penelitiannya berupa tuturan ilokusi direktif tokoh utamanya yaitu Ai Ling, Ching Ling, dan Mei Ling. Pengumpulan data menggunakan metode simak dengan teknik simak bebas libat cakap (SBLC).
Mengenai hasil penelitian ditemukan 45 data tuturan ilokusi direktif dalam film The Soong Sister yang terbagi atas (1) bentuk tindak tutur ilokusi direktif, (2) fungsi tindak tutur ilokusi direktif, dan (3) faktor yang menjadi pembentuk tuturan ilokusi direktif. Bentuk ilousi direktif terdiri atas bentuk kalimat permintaan, pertanyaan, perintah, larangan, namun tidak ditemukan bentuk kalimat pemberian izin. Fungsi tindak tutur ilokusi direktif yang ditemukan diantaranya terdiri atas fungsi kompetitif, fungsi menyenangkan, fungsi bekerja sama, dan fungsi bertentangan. Faktor tindak tutur ilokusi direktif yang ditemukan terdiri atas faktor penutur dan petutur, faktor konteks penuturnya, dan faktor tujuan tuturan.
Film ini dijadikan sebagai sumber data dalam penelitian karena terdapat tuturan ilokusi yang berbentuk tuturan direktif berdasarkan faktor penuturnya. Tindak tutur ilokusi direktif dalam film ini pun menarik untuk diteliti sebab tuturan direktifnya mengandung makna tersurat dengan faktor pembentuk yang berbeda berdasarkan konteksnya.
This study examines the form of directive, function of directive illocutionary speech acts, and the factors forming the directive illocutionary speech acts in the film The Soong Sister by Raymond Chow. This research aims to determine and classify the form, function, and factors forming the directive illocutionary speech in the film The Soong Sister based on the theories of Ibrahim and Leech.
The method used in this research is research method descriptive with a qualitative approach. Data source was obtained from the film The Soong Sister and the research data are in the form of directive illocutionary speeches by the main characters, Ai Ling, Ching Ling, and Mei Ling. Data collection using the method of refer competent, free-of-speech involve (SBLC) technique.
Regarding the results of the study found 45 directive illocutionary speech data in the film The Soong Sister is divided into (1) the form of directive illocutionary speech acts, (2) the directive illocutionary speech act acts, and (3) the factors that form the directive illocutionary speech acts. The form of directive illocution consists of sentences of requests, questions, orders, prohibitions, but no permission sentences were found. Function illocutionary directive speech acts found include consisting of competitive functions, pleasant functions, cooperative functions, and conflicting functions. Act factor said the directive illocution which was found that consist of speaker and speaker factors, factors the context of the speakers, and the purpose of speech.
The film is used as a source of data in research because there are speeches illocution in the form of directive speeches based on factors of the speakers. Speech acts illocutionary directive in this film is also interesting to study because of the directive’s utterances contains explicit meanings with different forms of factors based on the context.