Peran Kredibilitas Influencer, Pengetahuan Produk, dan Negara Asal pada Niat Beli Smartphone Oppo A9 2020
The Role of Influencer Credibility, Product Knowledge, and Country of Origin in Purchase Intention of Oppo A9 2020 Smartphone
Di era saat ini, perkembangan zaman dan mobilitas manusia yang semakin tinggi, teknologi komunikasi pada media sosial juga berkembang terutama mengenai smartphone. Smartphone Oppo A9 2020 yang dirilis di Indonesia pada September 2019. Diposisikan sebagai kelas menengah atas, harga terjangkau, tetapi dengan spesifikasi kamera dan internal memuaskan, Oppo A9 2020 mengusung chipset Snapdragon 665 sebagai 'otak' utamanya. Jenis dan ukuran layar: IPS 6,5 inci, namun terdapat smartphone Realme 5 pro yang menjadi rival Oppo A9 2020 di mana merek Oppo merupakan merek smartphone yang lebih dulu hadir dan unggul daripada merek smartphone Realme, namun smartphone Realme lebih menarik niat konsumennya di Indonesia. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk menganalisis dan membahas pengaruh influencer credibility, product knowledge, dan country of origin terhadap purchase intention calon pembeli smartphone Oppo A9 2020. Pengolahahan data pada penelitian ini menggunakan regresi linier berganda dengan teknik nonprobability sampling dan metode yang digunakan adalah judgmental sampling pada sampel berjumlah 200 responden melalui media sosial. Penelitian ini menunjukkan hasil dari pengaruh kredibilitas influencer , pengetahuan produk serta asal negara memiliki pengaruh positif yang signifikan terhadap niat beli pada produk smartphone Oppo A9 2020.
In the current era, the times and the increasingly high mobility of people, communication technology on social media is also developing, especially regarding smartphones. Oppo A9 2020 smartphone released in Indonesia in September 2019. Positioned as an upper middle class, affordable prices, but with satisfying camera and internal specifications, the Oppo A9 2020 carries the Snapdragon 665 chipset as its main 'brain'. Screen type and size: IPS 6.5 inches, but there is a Realme 5 pro smartphone that rivals the Oppo A9 2020 where the Oppo brand is a smartphone brand that is first present and superior to the Realme smartphone brand, but the Realme smartphone is more attractive to consumers in Indonesia. . This study aims to analyze and discuss the influence of influencer credibility, product knowledge, and country of origin on the purchase intention of prospective smartphone buyers for the Oppo A9 2020. Data processing in this study uses multiple linear regression with nonprobability sampling techniques and the method used is judgmental sampling on the sample totaling 200 respondents through social media. This study shows the results of the influence of influencer's credibility, product knowledge and country of origin have a significant positive effect on purchase intentions on the Oppo A9 2020 smartphone product.