Previous learning media were only created simply
and improvised, the purpose of the creation of media was to avoid verbalism
which still has the potential to occur if only visual aids are used. Without the media, communication will not
occur and the learning process will not be able to take place optimally. Media selection requires in-depth analysis by considering various aspects
as well as certain principles needed so that the learning process becomes more
effective and efficient in achieving the learning objectives. During this time in SMAN 1 Waru Class XI the learning process of natural
disaster mitigation materials generally uses power point media and uses books, while natural disaster mitigation materials have extensive studies that
require media that are close to the originals to realize an effective and efficient. This study aims to develop a proper diorama media and to determine student
responses to the developed media.
This type of development research uses a 4-D
development model (Define, Design,
Develop, Disseminate) in terms of the feasibility and response of students with
the analysis of the feasibility of the media using quantitative descriptive and
analysis of student responses using a percentage. The subjects in the development of this media model are students SMAN 1 Waru Class XI IPS 3 as many as 36 students. Research data were collected using media validation sheets and material
validation sheets as well as questionnaire sheets for student responses to the
three dimensional learning media that had been developed.
The results of the validation score by media
experts were 75% and the results of the validation scores by material experts
were 92.5%. Based on the feasibility on the Likert scale, the results of the
validation value of media experts and material experts amounted to 83.75%
including between 80% -100% so that it is included in the "very
feasible" criteria. The total response results from 36
students got a score of 88.1% and included in the criteria of "strongly
agree". That is, students give a good response to
the media developed and agree to the media as a support in the learning process
of Natural Disaster Mitigation Tidal Wave material.
Keywords: Diorama Media, Disaster Mitigation,
Feasibility of Media, Respons